Whistleblower deaths should have all of a company's director's investigated by default. It may be that 99% are innocent, but just one or two seeing their massively valuable stock, and options in danger, may be driven to such actions on their own.
I didn't even read the article. I just barely skimmed it and guess what I found within 2 seconds.
"Balaji’s death comes three months after he publicly accused OpenAI of violating U.S. copyright law while developing ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence program that has become a moneymaking sensation used by hundreds of millions of people across the world."
He had hard proof chat gpt used copyright work to train. Opening them up to lawsuits of said copyright holders and basically collapsing the whole company.
You don’t even need “Hard” proof. The mere fact that ChatGPT “knows” about certain things indicate that it ingested certain copyrighted works. There are countless examples. Can it quote a book you like? Does it know the plot details? There is no other way for it to get certain information about such things.
Facts aren't protected by copyright. Regurgitating facts about a thing is in no way illegal, even if done by ai and done by ingested copyrighted material. I can legally make a website dedicated to stating only facts about Disney products (all other things the same) when prompted by questions of my users.
Obviously suicide because it happened at his house/apartment. Because who else would suicide him self in his apartment right? I wouldn't go trying to figure out how it happened. Like with finger printing surfaces or sniffing dogs or checking cameras. Why would sniffing a dog even help?