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What's a piece of advice you think everyone can benefit from?

Any advice you’ve ever heard or given. I linked a great video that I think would be my answer, combined with the “stop caring what other people think about you” and “comparison is the thief of joy” comments below. Just do stuff that you wanna do, don’t compare and don’t care what others say. It’s awesome advice.

  • Find one small thing you can cut out and save that money every week in a savings account.

    When the market crashes like it did in 2008 and 2020, take every one of those dollars and put it in stocks, because during a crash, you can often get high value stocks at a huge discount that wouldn't exist in normal market conditions.

    Wait 2-3 years for the market recovery and sell that stock at a profit.

    Also, don't wait until your 30's to get a set of silk sheets.

    If you're happy alone, be alone. You don't have to get married. You don't have to get kids. Those things suck to have if you do not want them in the first place.

  • Sage advice I got from my dad: being kind to others greases the wheels of diplomacy, and it doesn't make them a bit more bulletproof.

  • "Treat others as you would have them treat you" is garbage, utter fucking trash

    instead of the shitass golden rule, I prefer the platinum rule: "Treat others how they want to be treated"

  • When dropping into a half pipe, overcommit the lean. The last thing you want is to slip over backwards. Slipping forwards is fine, you just might have to roll.

  • Migrate some of your media intake and software use, to Free Culture options.

    Saves money, increases the amount of free-sharing and mutual-aid in the world.

    Avoids spyware, DRM, AI slop, tracking, and assorted other nasties.

    Some Free Culture links listed here:

  • The worst part is when people you work with wanna hangout after work because you seem like a pretty interesting person and you have to find a million reasons to avoid doing so lest they find out that when you leave work you become the most boring sedentary person alive outside of agoraphobes.