It really is that simple. Sure the big box stores hire local but the money doesn't stay local if there are no smaller shops. Their paychecks go to other large corporations that have their big box stores in the area. So no money actually helps the businesses but instead just enriches a small group of people that really don't give a shit about the people of the town.
This isn't a guilt trip to get you to buy local, this is the truth. It's been happening since the 80's starting with Walmart.
Small business can't compete on price but a good business will compete and win on quality. It means that their products will be more expensive and I get that some people will not be able to afford it. But for those people that have the means its a win-win for the business and the consumer.
Some small businesses have shady employment practices, so do large corporations and every sized business in between. This isn't a good argument not to try to buy more locally, but it is a good argument for better labor laws.
Basically, local Butcher baker and green grocer.
So local butcher's, bakers and green grocers somehow get a pass on possibly having shady employment practices?
Aren't you advocating then that people are taking from the pension plans of large grocery stores by buying local ?