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  • GOG doesn't really do much to maintain the Galaxy app unfortunately. The idea of being able to put your entire library into one launcher is appealing but half of the plugins don't even work. Even the steam one is broken out of the box these days (there is a newer version on GitHub, but I don't think it's official). So them not porting to Linux is unsurprising.

  • I've been with linux for 20 years now and at one point GOG was the place to go, because DRM was one of the biggest problems with wine.

    I downloaded all my games stopped using it after they came up with their own electronic store, which I thought was a horrible shit and very clunky on wine.

    Steam and proton were rising at the same time and more and more games were working without the usual fuss of installing .dll files, obscure media codecs, .net and etc, so it was bye bye GOG.

  • Yeah, they promised Linux support years ago with Galaxy 2.0.
    It's basically the reason why I always prefer Steam for my games.