The atom model with the electrons going around the nucleus, is inspired by the solar system. The better model doesn't look anything alike. This is a naturalistic circular fallacy
Honestly the visual representation of the atom is just a simplified artist's rendition. It's more acceptable to treat the atom's components as charge fields filled with very high energy contained by nuclear forces. That said, the planets with molten cores and the sun also have their own electromagnetic fields so maybe the concept isn't so far off.
There was a guy on the net years ago who claimed that the entire universe is an electron on a plutonium atom. He made a religion out of it, wrote hymns to the atom (or, more precisely, changed the words of Christian hymns, clumsily fitting in references to plutonium atoms) and even legally changed his name to Archimedes Plutonium.
Look, I'm not saying our universe exists as a node in an infinite fractal of repeating universes, but one of these is the largest structure we can see and another is the smallest:
I've always liked this idea. Like, everything just repeats as infinitum whether you look smaller and smaller or bigger and bigger. The universe is just one of those fractal image kaleidoscopes.
I had this thought as a kid. But I thought it was neat that we might be part of an atom of some larger molecule. Didn't keep me awake. I had other trauma keeping me awake, like going to school.
Now imagine if something... or someone... would poke our galaxy with an observation, and all the stars in the arms instantly collapsed into a single particle.