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JD Vance
  • They aren't trying to eliminate the poor. The rich want them desperate enough that they "choose" to become slaves.

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    BSD Vs. Linux
  • I used FreeBSD before I used Linux. It was still really complicated to set up at the time. I can't speak to modern versions. I also used openbsd more recently to make a router out of a sun ultra 5 I trash picked. Learning pf and seeing up a router all by hand was a good learning experience. Then the hd crashed and I didn't have a backup of my configs. I didn't have enough ambition to start from scratch, and there are plenty of modern distros that are ready made routers.

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    Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • Prohibited to make forests the target except when they are military objectives. Did they add that exception because they might have to fight the battle at Helm's Deep?

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    Is Linux As Good As We Think It Is?
  • Terrible GUI? Microsoft can't even keep their print dialog consistent across their own programs, let alone dealing with different dialog boxes across third party software.

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    What to try in a linux distro ?
  • I agree on the package manager. I got so used to rpm style from SuSE that I have a hard time with Debian based systems.

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    This Year's Gamescom Showed Us A Ton of Devs Care About Steam Deck Support - SteamDeckHQ
  • I think the stable hardware is a bigger deal than people realize. Windows is already a moving target for devs with all of the different hardware options. Linux just compounds that with the multitude of distros. Having something that the devs can target makes their job easier, but it allows those of us who are willing to get into the guts of it something we can tweak to work on just about any distro and hardware.

  • This is the second time this has happened. It looks like it added part of the model on to the side. Is it my slicer? I'm using a Creality Halot Mage, and Chitubox 1.9.5 because that is the only slicer I've gotten to work on Fedora that supports my printer that I've found. I'm completely new to all things 3d printing. This is my first printer and that is my sixth print in the picture.


    Edit: to this rant because I think they deserve it. I'm guessing they did have a ton out bot orders that they cancelled because they are back in stock and my order went through.

    They said they were combating bots. I tried checking out as soon as the new decks went on sale. I was going to get the limited edition. Once their servers finally caught up it said it was out of stock. I tried switching to the 1TB non limited edition and they said "you've been trying to make too many purchases". I finally got through again and it said the regular one was out of stock. How was it not bots buying these of a regular user couldn't get through.
