Chatcontrol is once again stopped. Good work again everyone who stood up, this is once again a win everytime it is a win.
Next country that is up for Presidency is Poland 🇵🇱 who are anti-chatcontrol.
Chatcontrol is once again stopped. Good work again everyone who stood up, this is once again a win everytime it is a win.
Next country that is up for Presidency is Poland 🇵🇱 who are anti-chatcontrol.
It's insane that this bullshit can be pushed again and again and again. It gives me some comfort that they have still not succeeded, but they only need to succeed once, and if they are not blocked from putting this forward again, we would have to succeed again and again and again.
It would help if European voters stopped behaving like spoiled children and voting for wannabe dictators because inflation or immigration or whatever.
It's hard to avoid when all our parties are in favor of this garbage.
Even more insane that almost 2/3 of countries support this.
Authoritarianism is very tempting to people in power, but can be hard to sell in the physical world. In the digital world however....
"You can't vote a fascist away."
This time.
Next up: tomorrow.
Certain death tomorrow is better than certain death today.
I share your pessimistic view on what this win means, but don't get disheartened. It is still a win for privacy and citizen rights.
The thing is that the presidency of the Council will change (I remember reading: from Hungary to Poland) at the beginning of 2025. Now look at the map which sides Hungary and Poland are on.
Thats hopeful
Yes, this time... but we won again and i think it is important to remember that. i think this will be brought up again but we need to spread the word when it is happening and stand up again and again when it is happening. We need to win everytime but the politicians only needs one time "democracy" it is called.
Politicians do not understand or care about consent then:
No means no, do not ask again, we will let you know if we want something so stop bringing it up.
Also agreed: Representative democracy isn't true democracy and leads to problems like this.
It will be brought up another time until the wanted result is in.
Yes this will be brought up again and again but everytime it falls it is a win for us, i think it is important to remebemer that. We need to share information and stand up next time too. it can also become better in the future, Swedish FRA (like USA´s NSA) says e2ee is important and urges people to use it. Netherlands inteligent agency says that chatcontrol harms national security. FBI and CISA urges people to use e2ee after china hacked into lawfull intercept backdoors. All this have happend since last time chatcontrol was on the agenda and this time 2 more countrys has agreed to say no.
FBI and Cisa: Nederlands inteligent agency 1: Nederlands inteligent agency 2: Swedish FRA:
FBI and CISA urges people to use e2ee after china hacked into lawfull intercept backdoors.
Which FBI installed.
How many times is this now?
Too many
Wait, how the fuck are only Central Europe, Finland and Estonia in support of encryption. What the actual fuck people?
I can only talk about France as that one is super obvious to me: They been fighting (peaceful) protests organizers. Like hacking their phones and getting all their data from all the possible platforms, in the hopes of shutting them down using the slightest thing that can get them into trouble.
If you look at the swedish parties only one is in support, but they are the biggest :/
See you in two years when they attempt again
*two months
*two weeks
They'll probably try to sneak it into some other law, hoping no one will notice until it's too late.
My country doesnt pull a w very often.
But let's go Austria, you do something good for once.
Don't get to excited. The ÖVP really wants chat control and it's one of the many pain points of the current coalition talks with SPÖ and Neos.
well, they havent succeeded, thats all that matters right now i think. Nobody needs to win, ÖVP just needs to lose.
what do you mean? austria has a great reputation
Except that one guy
it certainly isnt usa bad.
But if you are in the know, certain partys really wanna change that and some people are trying their best that it wont happen.
Of course we have a lot of good stuff, no country is perfect, as is austria.
Do we have it alright? sure yeah, but could we have it a lot better?
hell yeah.
In Austria we say "Sudern auf hohem Niveau"
Yes, compared to other countries Austria is very good. But things could still be much better.
Yarrr! Pirates really deliver.
Also, why Sweeden supports it?
Hey, well the reason is that both the right and left parties both want this to pass. They say its to "protect the children" even if this law would violate the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Also they want to use the crime rate to justify this law of mass surveillance.
If you want to know more about us Swedish Pirates you can visit our website there is a link to the English version!
not sure about now but the original swede handling the issue in EU was openly corrupt. which is only a crime if you're a social democrat or further left.
was openly corrupt.
Ah, United Russia Sweeden
I was also very surprised to see Sweden back this. The Swedes have started changing dramatically since Russian invasion of Ucrain. Neutral for decades now in NATO.
Is it the case where they postponed the vote again because they anticipated it being turned down and needing to wait ages before being allowed to vote again?
If so, perhaps Poland could host the next vote, deliberately not postponing when it seems it's not going to pass. Maybe even start trolling and remove concessions that would've pleased other countries, forcing even more anti-votes and removing some risk of it passing unexpectedly (I don't know if that would be viable to actually implement though).
We need it to properly fail big time if we don't want to fear for our privacy every couple months
Let's not let our guard down. They might make superficial changes, but they will keep pushing this dangerous and invasive nonsense, and they only have to win once.
Hopefully someone brings in something to block future attempts. Ik it had already been tried and failed but if chat control can try as many times as they want why cant anti chat control.
Cool, glad for y'all.
Hey, now that you've taken care of that, we're having a little fascism problem here in America. We were wondering if you could, ya'know, return that little favor we did for ya in the 1940s?
We're dealing with a little WW2 style problem ourselves with Russia eating away at Ukraine. Would love to come and help you all, but before we do anything to a country that prides itself in having the biggest stick we gotta clean up our back yard first.
Muricans' ability to make any and every thing about themselves amazes me
thanks Patrick for fighting for us!
Salt Typhoon may have given them a clue.
You would think we could get the other two baltic countries and france to oppose it...
French support is wild to me. Baltic's support is probably due to arrangements with Putin.
Remember if US FBI (who is commonly anti-encryption) is suddenly afraid of Chinese state spies, Haxxorz in China and Trump sectarian vigilantes then maybe EU should be as well.
It's OK, they'll just keep trying.
As the IRA said to Margaret Thatcher, they only have to succeed once.
Well, they're going on my big list of "throw money at orgs to make this hellhole a bit less shite" I'll check in January when I know my earnings for 2024:
See you guys next year.
If something is part of the world plan, it's not going away.
Maybe it's OK. The big tech sites are anyway becoming mostly ads and Ai content, so it will probably become like cable TV before people just quit it.
How about no encryption for civil servants?
How does/can Australia stop the Under 16 Social Media ban? I suspect that this is the first step of many to undermine Australians.
Why it has UK's map next to EU?
Patric Breyer usually posts in German. The UK flag in the tweet is just to indicate the language of the tweet.