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So he's calling himself a king now, eh?

Please don't elect Temu Trump (Pierre Poilievre) or Trump's useful idiot Doug Ford.

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So he's calling himself a king now, eh?

270 9

So he's calling himself a king now, eh?

624 48
Eh Buddy Hoser

So he's calling himself a king now, eh?

114 6
  • I'm no monarchist but in Canada we have an actual king and the idea that HRH would busy himself with such petty quibbles as ...tolls is laughable.

    • Also, if the King tried to do anything, it would trigger a constitutional crisis in Canada and we'd collectively tell him to get fucked.

  • Maybe that's the motivation for invading Canada. Trump the First, by the grace of God, of Canada King, Defender of the Faith.

  • To be fair in this case I don't think we have much right to make fun of them until tolls get placed on the DVP.

    • More the king fascist dictator issuing decrees from on high. But yeah, under Doug Ford, Ontario transportation revolves around spending as many billions as possible to try to speed up his commute (while actually making it worse).