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  • Haha, no.
    I've got better, a modified ISO that doesn't need a key. Maybe there is malware, who knows, but it doesn't need a key.

    Matter of fact, I carry around a portable USB DVD drive and book case with discs in my backpack. Linux ISOs but also the newest Hiren's Boot disc (which is based on Windows 11 PE).

    But I just like DVDs. Yes, I have a Ventoy disk, yes, it boots in seconds, not minutes, yes it's smaller and more convenient, but does it spin? Does it make any (audible) sounds? Is it nice and shiny? Does it require burning, verification and some more care? No, it's just a boring USB stick.

    But my backpack also includes a WRT54GL with DD-WRT, so...

    It's similar to how I grabbed at 3G when its shutdown was announced. I switched my phone to 3G only ("WCDMA only" in *#*#4636#*#* menu) until I was forcefully disconnected when the cell towers in my area shut down. But for the sake of affecting some possible statistics, I switched back to 3G only every time before entering area that still had 3G and switched it back only a while after exiting it.
    My idea was there could be some statistics for the last days of 3G usage, and perhaps it could include devices that would not successfully re-connect after the shutdown.

    Just an example there. I like to keep old technology around, and I like to affect statistics in certain ways, and I do want DVD purchase statistics to be higher, so I keep using them, and I like them too.