Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium
Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium

Somehow paying for Netflix is fine but god forbid I want to watch a 10 hour loop of the DS9 intro without ads.
Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium
Somehow paying for Netflix is fine but god forbid I want to watch a 10 hour loop of the DS9 intro without ads.
I think most people are angry with YouTube premium because it's a service that doesn't give you anything. It's a service where they stop annoying you. But it doesn't unlock anything new that you didn't have before, doesn't give you access to content or data you don't have access to, it doesn't improve the service. It just removes the annoyances they put there deliberately. So people are a little angry about it
It's a protection racket, for your attention and time.
It includes youtube music. And creators you watch get more money than if you watched using the ad supported version.
Using adblock isnt some innate human right. They are well within their rights to block adblock.
You get almost the whole worlds information for free in video form. You can be entertained or use it as a teaching tool. It is the best place at this point for product demos and reviews. It is a crazy wealth of information and infrastructure that everyone takes advantage of and somehow just expect to be free. If Google cancells it because it is not profitable, i would bet the efficiency of the entire human race takes a significant nose dive. It also probably runs one of the highest sets of data storage and encoding on the planet.
I thought YouTube music was a separate subscription?
The fact that they made it worse so they could lock what we had behind a paywall is what permanently killed YouTube for me. I will bend over backwards to make sure they never receive a penny at this point. They could have added or improved features but they just made everything shitty instead lol screw them.
It's just a little advertisment
Come to Quarks, Quarks is fun, Don't walk Run!
Yeah I need youtube premium in order to enable background play on the official app. This is ridiculous, especially on a mobile operating system that made fun of the competition because it didnt have true multitasking. Ever since then it's kinda been it for me. Like I cant multitask on my computer device because you want me to pay a subscription? No thanks.
It's a protection racket, for your attention and time.
It is, but it is only between the free and paid versions. I can't expect a service to exist for my use without some form of compensation. I'd rather pay with money than time.
Thats one way to look at it.
The other way is to compare it to the free netflix tier... which doesnt exist.
IMO even being pestered to death I'm slightly amazed that its still free at all.
The problem with this point of view is that Netflix either produces its own content or rents content from other producers. YouTube doesn't produce its own content and also doesn't rent content from producers... it only pays them a percentage of ad revenue (to be comparable to Netflix, YouTube would have to pay creators up front regardless of ad revenue they generate). YouTube profits from the content production of its users, and doesn't actually pay a fair amount for it. For them to charge for access to that content is just... egregious.
it doesn't improve the service.
Doesn't it do exactly that? It removes the ads whoch makes it way better.
But it doesn't unlock anything new that you didn't have before
It does give you access to higher quality streaming though, offline play, background play, video queue, picture in picture and youtube music premium. Do you even know what you are talking about?
Yes I do, thank you for asking.
You'd have a much stronger point if all the following were free: bandwidth, server farms, developers, support staff.
Since they aren't, something needs to pay for those. I'm paying to not see that something.
There was some original content, there is offline play, ad removal, however they should allow premium to skip sponsor ads too if you ask me.
I thought it was a decent deal for $15/mo for family of 3 using it for music and yt. $23 is pushing it.
I dont agree on the sponsor adds because that money is money the creator gets directly that isnt totally dependent on the policies that YT pushes. If those spots become worth less to the creators because they are skippable then they are more dependent on YT for their revenue.
And on top of that, Youtube's annoyances are implemented client-side -- in other words, by co-opting your own machine, your property that you own, and turning it against you to serve someone else's interests.
Youtube is free to choose not to serve me content in the first place, but once they do and it's on my machine, it is my property right to control the computation of my machine however I want. I have just as much right to block ads as I do to write in the margins of a paper book I bought.
Edit: why the downvotes? Do y'all hate property rights or something?
Agreed. If you get the data you should be able to interpret it how you like
I take the same philosophy for radio signals, if the signal's going through my head physically, I should be able to listen to it
And here I am, getting the same thing and paying nothing because I've got uBlock Origin.
How do you run that on a smart tv?
Seriously, this is why I eventually got it. Plus my android vanced stopped working and I didn't know there was a way to fix it
I don't. I just plug a pc directly to my tv.
Smart tube, or I've been told a pi hole works as well. I haven't bothered with that though, because I don't like watching YT on TV myself. Out of the two, the pi hole is probably the better option since it works with all your devices.
This works fine but the main reason I personally have premium is to support the YouTubers I watch. Adblock gets rid of their revenue while premium pays them MORE than just ads do and now I don't have to worry about it on any platform.
Premium still gives them hardly anything. Subscribing to their Patreon is better because they get all your money, minus the small fee.
Since youtube has been starting to wage war against adblock I decided to try out using freetube and have been enjoying it. It does have some limitations but since its not tied to the algorithm it reminds me of how I used to have to browse youtube in the older days. Also I feel like the up-next option is way more valuable than it is with the algorithm. Instead of being based off of what I watch its like the old method so it might recommend more vids from the creator or channels like the creator.
Instead of stuff that Ive already watched or am already subscribed to, or that one weird thing the algorithm is pushing for no reason that I keep ignoring but it keeps shoving at me.
Discovery requires a little more creativity with searching and for some categories this can get broad, but the result is finding more teeny tiny creators as well which is neat.
I was getting blocked for having uBlock Origin, but how I solved that was to purge the filter lists in the settings and re-download them. Now I can watch again.
There's always one.
Yes. I pay for YouTube Music for my six account family and, as a side benefit, we all get ad-free YouTube.
I also have No ads, because I use NewPipe. There I can watch all Videos from YouTube, cccBerlin, pearTube and it is also possible to Listen to Music from Bandcamp and Soundcloud.
Honestly not worth the trouble on mobile
Unless you're on an iPhone, setting up Revanced takes less than 10 minutes and very rarely breaks anything. If you want to support your YouTube creators, then sure pay for premium, but it baffles me how someone could have the technical prowess to set up a Lemmy account, but then balk at something like this. If anything, mobile might be one of the last frontiers now that they're starting a war against adblock.
Youtube constantly demonitizes content creators, while protecting doxxers and content thieves. I will not be giving them a single red cent.
Don't give them viewership too.
You're giving too much credit, Youtube doesn't care and is running on AI autopilot. This benefits IP abusers, thieves, and trolls and hurts legitimate creators. But it's not on purpose, it's just indifference.
This right here. I did youtube premium one time to watch the first season of cobra kai. And then immediately dropped it when that same month 3 content creators I followed all came forward with videos of how they were getting obviously fraudulent copyright strikes, demonetized over things that they didn't do wrong and youtube just screwing them over cause they could.
A company that makes billions in profits could easily afford to put better content creator support in place and cover costs or disputes against content creators so none of the people who make their site profitable in the first place ever have to worry if they'll still be paid for the hours and hours they devote to their channel only for a troll or bad faith actor to make a false claim on their videos and irrevocably remove income.
If your reason is only moral, then you should also never use the service.
Moral reasons
A corporation can blatantly violate the law, bribe politicians, ignore its TOS whenever its suits them, but a second somebody wants to use a heavily subsidised service without being assaulted by advertising, a gaggle of concern trolls pop up to lecture about "stealing service". Buddy, simping for Alphabet will get you nowhere.
You Dutch? Pretty sure red cent is a Dutch saying.
Somehow paying for Netflix is fine
Is praying for netflix fine?
Only praying for it to die
Paying for premium is fine, but premium users letting Youtube off the hook for their corporate greed is annoying. If YT ran reasonable ads like they used to in the olden days I wouldn't use an adblocker. Don't even get me started on their garbage search, a multi billion dollar company can and should do better. Then of course there's the fiasco of their demonetization system, and rules that apply to some but not others. Simply put they don't deserve to be paid for premium, if their grinch heart grows and they decide to do better as a company I'd honestly pay for premium.
Tbh, I almost caved and got premium, but I have a lot of the same issues with Youtube that you have.
A big YouTuber was doxxed recently by another big YouTuber, and Youtube did nothing about it. If I was him, I would be going to court.
YouTube is trash, and if a viable alternative were to exist then I would switch in a heartbeat.
But I'm all about convenience, so until that alternative exists, if I have to give some money to YouTube to have that convenience, I'll do it.
While the monopoly that YT has as a video platform is definitely an issue, the cost of maintaining the content has definitely risen now. 480p vs 4k videos have a ton of difference in bandwidth, no matter how much Internet speeds have evolved over the years.
I used Google Play Music (RIP) and moved into YT Music for my music streaming needs. The cost of YT premium was marginally higher so I switched for it.
The major issue with YT Premium is that they still collect the data from YT to show targeted ads, but I use also use uBlock, so that doesn't really bother me as much.
Point is, video hosting services are expensive. The quantity (not quality) of content on YT is way higher than any othet streaming service, and maintaining that for free is pretty close to impossible. The only possible alternative would be a government backed video platform and that's definitely worse.
Us premium users have no obligation to help non premiums.
At the end of the day Youtube or Google offer no ads experience for us and we get it. Transaction is completed.
"us premium users" "non premiums" holy shit dude, you're gonna get shafted too, you just pay $14 a month for the privilege of it happening later
Watch me get the premium experience for free using U-Block origin. Byeee sucker!
Somehow paying for Netflix is fine
is it tho? is it?
Only I can have double standards.
Meanwhile I'm over here like:
That scene when he struts up to the guys naked and full of attitude in Chernobyl should have won him an emmy. Love this actor!
Not the same guy. That was Alex Ferns. This is Michael Hough.
I'll pay to not be exposed to ads. I'll also pay to support a service I get value from. So I'm paying for YouTube premium, Netflix, Hulu. etc. When a service with media I want that has a more desirable corporate structure becomes available I'll pay for that and maybe get rid of other services. I also occasionally sail the high seas if the thing I want isn't available on any of the services I'm already paying for.
paying for netflix isn't fine either
You think that's bad? Mention you use a HP printer sometime. I dare you to try it.
Trigger warning:
I have an HP inkjet printer attached to my Windows 11 machine playing YouTube Premium in Chrome without an ad blocker.
Edit: it's a joke, people.
How else are you supposed to print out your favorite videos?
Well owning a HP inkjet is an objectively stupid thing to do.
Thanks for proving my point!
This just makes me sad for you.
Eh, HP has always worked fine for us. I have two sitting here, actually - one is an all-in-one from ~2009 that we printed our wedding programs on when it was new, and it still works fine, but ink is getting harder to find for it, and we had a scare with the irreplaceable print head a few years ago (I got it working, using HP's "try this if you're out of options, but it's unlikely to work" directions, but we realized it was probably time to consider replacing it).
The other is a few years old and is one of the ones with the subscription service. We've had a good experience with it, and I spend less on ink than I did with the old one, but that upsets a LOT of people.
No way, Only Brushes and paint for me. Of course I steal it cause why should I pay for it?
I use an HP inkjet with original cartridges
Using an HP printer is like playing Russian Roulette with a ton of loaded bullets. I say this as someone with multiple HP printers.
I subscribe to YouTube Music and have since the Play days (R.I.P.). Watching videos without ads is just a perk.
This is basically my stance. Its also one of a very few subs I use, I don't really care to watch streaming services or to pay for the slightly (maybe?) better other music streaming services.
I still have Premium but could never accept YT music as a former Play user. Why did they end the best music streaming service for this unusable trash?
Spotify is still worse than Play was, but at least it's good at recommending music. YT music is worse in every regard. Except for smart watch integration maybe.
Play was the best, especially in the early days with the professionally curated (by humans) play lists. I discovered so much new music. AI generated playlists are terrible.
I just find the cost of Premium to be too high.
Here in Sweden it costs about 120SEK/month, that is far too much, I'd happily pay 60-70SEK/month, that would be worth it to me.
And would still give rhem more money than me not watching ads
They really do fuck us in the Nordics. It’s DKK179 (SEK281, USD26) for the family plan here in Denmark. Granted that’s the whole family getting YouTube Premium and Music, but that’s also I think the highest price anywhere in the world.
Only service where I’ve done the region thing. Paying 15 kr a month because I signed up through Argentina.
The price is insane just for getting rid of ads. Amazon Prime is cheaper than that and gives you a ton of benefits.
Eh, I watch a lot of youtube to and from the office, for me 60SEK/month would be worth it
Is that much more than Spotify in Sweden?
No idea, I have never used Spotify
Use Newpipe like a true comrade.
YouTube without ads on Android, and you can run it in the background with/without the screen off.
Newpipe gang rise up
Brand new: https://grayjay.app/
Has downloads, dislikes, Youtube, Odysee, Rumble, Twitch, Kick, and more plugins, no ads, can cast to devices, offline subscriptions and was paid for by Louis Rossman. Out for a week now. Loving it so far. Just needs Sponsorblock and it will replace Newpipe+Sponsorblock for me. It's open source but paid software.
We offer a way to pay for the app once. The app will function identically without paying.
You can even use it if you're NOT filthy commie scum!
I pay for it so my kids' accounts don't have ads. They're too young to sort out all the edge cases that aggressive ad blocking generates and for a bonus we get youtube music.
Hear me out: ublock origin on your computer and revanced manager on your phone.
And for my old smart TV? Or when I'm at work?
I use iPhone. And I like downloading videos way way way too much. UBlock origin is goated tho.
And I don’t want ads when I cast to my tv.
You can sideload an adblocking YouTube app on iOS
Or use a PiHole for your entire network.
I think I’m more ok with people playing for YouTube premium. It still helps the creators on YouTube more directly than Netflix
except it helps scammers and content thieves more than it helps actual legitimate creators..
Tbh, I lose some amount of respect for anyone who mentions they pay for media that is easily accessed through piracy, netflix included
The same can be said even more so about people that refuse to pay for services they use.
It's based, actually. So is stealing from businesses. In fact, if piracy really was the same as stealing, I'd definitely make a point of pirating more often
edit: looked at your profile and you're
Lmao look at this fucking bootlicker
"Im a loser Looke at meeeE!"
Those who pay are the problem on all platforms. 🏴☠️
Social revolution as a subscription service
Youtube does not offer Content instead they offer space to publish Videos and have Youtube Music.
The Price they are deamding is too high as if they Produce own Content and Music.
Youtube Premium would only be viable for me if i can be anonymous to buy it and removes age restriction,perma bann for YT Shorts the worst they done.
I cannot give a Company money that it this rotten.
Monopoly of YT is just sad.
Back when it was still called YouTube Red, they actually used to create exclusive content (or at least fund the creator). It was a selling point at the time. Now they just increase the number of ads to make not paying for it hurt more...
Oh yeah didn't they have a conclusion movie for Smosh about Anthony dying and becoming Ian's ghost roommate?
Someone needs to find a way to make it cheaper to host videos on a server, because the second you do that second a viable YouTube alternative can show up
Paying for Netflix is not fine
I believe it's someone else's hard earned money, if they want to throw money to have what is objectively a better viewing experience, then it's not my problem.
Im confused. Whos the somone elses hard earned money? And who is the they?
I believe what they are saying is, they don't judge how other people spend their own money.
It's very ferengi to pay for goods and services.
But it is also very ferengi to steal goods and services.
Be a ferengi 😎
I'm constantly in bob eisner's trash, he throws away a lot of profitable things. Got a crate of self-sealing stem bolts the other day. Just need to find a buyer.
Blocking ads is not theft<3
No, it is a scumbag move tho to complain a out people who pay for premium.
Freebies cannot bitch
Here’s the thing: how much YouTube content creators are really affected by ad blockers varies widely, and that’s due to several factors such as what region their main viewership is in, their subject matter, and how many viewers of each creator fit the demographic that might use ad blockers. YouTube is the only entity that would have the real data on the real impact to content creators due to ad blockers, and it’s believed that the reason they don’t share that data is so that they can inflate the numbers in order to claim greater losses than they actually suffer— and while that may very well be a strong motivation, I believe the primary motivation to be to hide the wide variation in levels of compensation between their top content creators. If the ad-blocking impact data became public, it would also reveal the wide disparities in how much YouTube compensates different tiers of content creators and would make public deals with top creators that have, until now, remained private.
This so why it’s always discussed in vague terms and as some existential threat— which is is, for them.
I know this is a silly meme but my issue with not wanting to pay for youtube is 3 fold.
1.Theyre a monopoly. Google bought out the plucky streaming service on the rise(and honestly if it wasnt google it would have been someone else) and then continued to build up momentum and squash the competition. There is no competition. Daily motion and vimeo and peertube exist, but they dont really compete with youtube anymore.
Google can complain all they want about how it's expensive to host 4k videos from anyone who wants to upload and how all the global traffic makes their service unprofitable but given theyre a giant corporation, if it didnt bring them value they wouldnt be doing it and if it is a hole theyre putting money into then it's an hole they dug for themselves.
2.Google sucks at dealing with their creators. The lifeblood of the site is that it is the default platform for video content creators because its so big. Unjustified DCMA takedowns which ruin a persons livelihood and are difficult to appeal, their demonetization and essentially delisting from the algorithm of nsfw videos(which can happen if a key word is detected or a specific type of image, that recent issue with the big youtuber doxing another and getting a slap on the wrist, and the changes made to algorithms that hurt creators and shape content.
Like how the comedy sketches and animators that were prevalent in the early days got squeezed out because the algorithm favored longer videos and a steadier stream of content. Or a case where a youtuber got his own song DCMA'd because another artist remixed his music. And thats not even getting into the poor compensation from ads that means creators need to use sites like patreon to get by. "Oh but if you pay premium your views count more" wow how nice of one of the biggest most valuable companies on earth.
They also have no easy way for even decent sized creators with millions of subs to appeal or get a hold of them, let alone one in the 100s of thousdands or tens of thousands mark. All ai reviewed and ai resolved.
2.Google sucks at dealing with their creators. The lifeblood of the site is that it is the default platform for video content creators because its so big. Unjustified DCMA takedowns which ruin a persons livelihood and are difficult to appeal, their demonetization and essentially delisting from the algorithm of nsfw videos(which can happen if a key word is detected or a specific type of image, that recent issue with the big youtuber doxing another and getting a slap on the wrist, and the changes made to algorithms that hurt creators and shape content.
Well said. It's so hypocritical of Google to say "support our creators" when they do such a trash job of it already. Google makes hundreds of billions of dollars per year! If they cared so much about the creators, they could share more of their obscene earnings with them. Why should it be people's responsibility?!? And of course, all the things that you mentioned as well that constantly screw them over too.
It's just shameless hypocrisy. They have no moral high ground here whatsoever.
I have a YouTube Premium family plan spread between me, my brothers and our mom, only reason why I bother
yt-dlp + mpv
100% pay mainly for music and family app share. Ad free is the bonus.
I'm in the same boat, I only have YouTube premium because it got bundled in with Google play music and I've been using Google's music service forever.
and it works the same on any device you can sign in on.
This is an excellent post, I want to upvote you and also lobby for downvotes back so i can downvote you
In my region YouTube Premium includes YouTube Music and is a dollar or two more than paying for Spotify Premium. I cancelled my Spotify sub and went over to YouTube. Seems like any okay deal to me.
why not just put adblock on spotify and not pay anything?
A further way to divide the masses. It's almost as if the masses desire division. We must judge each other based on the others decisions. Even if we were in complete agreement half of everyone would think the other half is agreeing incorrectly.
Some say I thrive on it. Muh-ha-ha-ha-ha!
So I was against premium for a while, was using vanced and it was fine. Nowadays with my boy getting a bit older and how much we use YouTube it's just easier to have premium. I know people have mentioned the android TV app but I have a Vizio TV and can't get it on there. Also, I'm not going to try to root my tv or anything like that (not even sure if I can with this one)
I can pay for Netflix to be entertained for days at a time if I want to by original and classic shows and movies that I can't watch anywhere else, or I can pay for YouTube to show me a bunch of kowtowing brow beaten "creators" try to skirt their ever changing draconian rules long enough to make something that barely counts as entertainment anymore WHICH I could also already watch for free with ads.
Why would I ever pay them for anything?
I mean, if you use creators without quotations, it gives them a bit more money and gives you no ads.
Vs having no ads and giving them no money.
Sure it's still not great, sure if you like the creators they deserve more, but it's not the worst thing in the world if you have the money to spare.
For me it boils down to these points: 1. It's a service that has always been free. 2. The product the service delivers has become considerably worse over the last few years due to non stop ads, censorship, rampant misinformation, and an ever expanding list of impossible rules designed to sabotage their own users. 3. Once it objectively became worse than it's ever been they have the nerve to ask me for money literally every time I watch it.
I am offended by this, and I'm not giving them any of my money. If there's a creator I really want to support then I'll buy their products direct, or I'll join their Patreon so I know they're actually getting any of the money I spent
It's great you like the Netflix show. I find them to be crap, pure unadulterated crap.
You could replace Netflix with literally any other paid streaming service and the argument would be exactly the same. I just used Netflix because that was the example OP gave in the post. Ultimately the real point is that YouTube wants people to start paying for their service without really offering anything more than what I could already watch for free.
YouTube is way more than content creators. Just last night I watched an hour long episode of PBS news hour, an hour long EDM concert that was live in Europe a few days ago and then fell asleep to a bunch of clips from late night comedy shows. These aren't struggling content creators, these are all from huge content providers that I'd have to track down separately if they weren't on YouTube. Anything on Netflix I just pirate because tv shows and movies are easy to get.
It's called uBlock Origin
Doesn't work on iPad. Kindly share workarounds anyone.
DNS? sideload? Barter for a better tablet? /j
I like reminding people that Netflix were totally fine with Chappelle's transphobic shit being on their service, you shouldn't give them your money.
Ya know, if someone wants to spend their money on it, I really don't care because that's their money and not mine. It's not something I would personally buy into, but to each their own.
They're helping to support freeloaders like me, so if anything I should be thanking them!
Has nobody here ever heard of YMusic?
YouTube Music is the reason I sail the high seas if you equate blocking ads to pirating. I neither want nor need it, but I now have to subscribe to it to get Premium.
I was paying for YT Premium before that predatory bundling to justify an insane price hike. It's not worth 12€/month, sorry Google.
Not YouTube music, YMusic....
my view is worth 1000x the value of an ad viewer.
that like makes me better than them.
Nah, just making a joke cause I get attacked every time I say it's my favorite subscription service. I don't even use Netflox, Doisney or HOBO anymore. Just vids on woodworking and bread making.
I subscribe to make it easier for my SO
Or don't and pay for things you use and enjoy with gratitude and no sense of entitlement.
I pay for it, but it's insanely cheap in my country. Family plan is like $1.5 a month lol. 5 or 6 users for that convenience is worth it in my eyes. I'd rather do that than make my parents, grandparents have to worry about ad blockers on all their devices.
Just download it and use the loop function on your media player program of choice?
adblockers still work, coward!
I watch it mostly an AppleTV so there is no practical way to ad block it anyway.
I airplay from my phone and that allows adblocking still
You what...
Tin roof, rusted.
get a rope
Paying for Netflix isn't fine either.
Rightfully so, wtf are you doing dude
The reductive logic of pirates is astounding. It's incredible the mental gymnastics required to justify stealing things they have no rights to.