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  • My wife and I met on We bonded over our love of cats. We celebrated our 20th anniversary of our first date in March. We lived 5 miles apart before we met. We never would have met without the Internet.

    • Odd to see so much hate on this thread for online dating. Maybe half of my relationships as an adult came from online dating, including my wife.

  • Absolutely everything in your life can and will be turned into a commodity of capitalism for someone else to profit from, including the simple act of meeting other people. Community? That will be destroyed if it will help a millionaire make more money. Society will be atomised into little individual boxes for each person where they can then be turned into numbers and easily fed into algorithms that allow someone to profit.

    Something that has been natural through community building and real social relationships people care about for thousands of years will be destroyed, there is in fact a profit motive to do so.

    It's no wonder that loneliness is also at an all time high.

  • I'd be curious to see a more year-by-year breakdown. I feel like a lot of those would fluctuate.

  • Me and my wife didn't technically meet online, but in college. We re connected online years after and started a long distance relationship until we decided to move together and have been 12 years since that.