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What are the risks of sharing DNA?

I'm concerned about the privacy implications of DNA testing services like 23andMe or AncestryDNA. What are the potential risks of sharing our genetic data with those companies, and are there any privacy-focused alternatives available?

  • The big real-world implication I'm aware of is that law enforcement can match DNA they found somewhere against 23andme's database. Then if you (or any of your relatives!) are in the database because they've ever used 23andme, they'll find that out, and they can use it to investigate or prosecute you.

    Whether you think that's a good or a bad thing depends a lot on whether you think the cops should be able to succeed if they get a hold of someone's DNA and are looking for the person to match their sample against... that success is, to me, much more likely to be a good thing than a problem, but that may not be the consensus view here and it's certainly a massive, massive privacy implication.

  • Insurers get hold of it and disqualify you for health, life and disability insurance based on genetic markers.

  • Forensic data on you is already pretty easy to obtain unless you're taking special effort to avoid it being taken. Also when you get arrested they take whatever biometrics they like. The info on you those DNA testing companies are getting is info already easily available to the government. I guess if you're concerned about your DNA being used to tailor ads to you, not just to criminalise you, it could be an issue, but idk I don't think your DNA can really predict what ads will be effective on you.

  • All who could have an idea of what to do with it could seek a way to get that data out of every company or gov that have it for their specific reasons, no matter if data was collected lawful or not, or if access to the data is then lawful or not.

    1. search for source of evidences on crime scenes: if one of your relatives happened to have been (related to crime or just bad luck) at a place where later on some evidence was collected, you might cause trouble for them bcs your data is very similar to theirs and that is obvious to laboratories. depending on the the "later on" current state of technology it could affect relatives more than two or three steps away from you. if you live in a country where law enforcement gives a shit about truth and just seeks for one argument to punish just anyone they can point a finger at, that could become a huge problem for the whole family then just because there was data that could have been abused.
    2. illegal organ traders could - once they have access to your data - think you or your relatives could be a source of nice income if a client of theirs happen to pay enough. however you will probably never know as the illegal organ traders are unlikely to ring the doorbell to ask nicely for a contract. How much do you think would a richie in personal needs pay for "spare parts" if those who deliver them wants him to just never ask where it came from ? does it matter if such organ teaders could know a "compatible match" by data only? maybe not because they might know tomorrow or someone might put up an AI to do the matching (does it matter if that matching by AI is correct then? i guess such traders don't really care and their customers probably, but wouldn't that be possibly too late then?)

    For me the latter is actually enough to not willingly give my DNA data to anyone. for no reason. gov might already have it (covid probes had been collected and frozen at least) but actively pushing your data out inzo the world would be insane IMHO.

    Laboratories often use Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange, thus i personally see no reason to NOT believe that any data they have received once in time would - sooner or later - end up rotating uncontrolled in the hands of uncountable criminals waiting for any chance to make quick or huge money out of it.