Can’t remember exactly where or about whom I reported but it was to the effect of “someone please kill [this person]”
Can’t remember exactly where or about whom I reported but it was to the effect of “someone please kill [this person]”

Disclaimer: Fuck the rich and please consider reading 1 paragraph before you go to comments to explain how I am a bootlicker. Thank you ٩(•͈ ꇴ •͈)و ̑̑❀
For context, I generally report all calls to violence, no matter who the “victim” is, whether they are a public figure or an anonymous user. I didn’t even register that the person I was “defending” was rich—I’m just aware that calls to violence are against most instances’ terms of service (due to legal threats). Genuinely sorry seahorse! I wish you just had something in your instance sidebar or even spoke to me instead of jumping to ban and “lib” insults!
Anyway, this is pretty interesting. I’m honestly not too pressed about this (mostly I will miss ! and curious what yall think. :)