I know this is meant as a joke, but I have to say, it's incredibly hard to get proper audio equipment without paying idiot tax like crazy.
I want neither China crap, nor overengineered German CD shavers (those really exist, BTW), but just decent audio. If you look for reviews, everything under 2000€ is utter garbage, apparently, and you should be sterilized for even thinking about spending less than that. Or you go on Amazon and even a brick wall will have stellar reviews, because it sounds really awesome and even has Bluetooth!
Hey guys! The Steve Jobs your looking at here is the owner of the website: www.pud.com where you can see al lthe fun mods the guy did to a headphone to make it sound different. The following text is from mister Pud here explaining what this headphone is:
A "Helmholtz resonator"is that thing when you blow on a Coke bottle and it plays a low pitch.
The pitch can be tuned by adjusting its dimensions. Ol'Thumby (The headset on the photo -Kyoyeou) has a resonator tuned to 60hz (Bass territory -Kyoyeou) with the "neck" radius of 50mm (same as the driver I'm using).
If you're interested in trying something like this yourself, there are Helmholtz resonator calculators online, or ask ChatGPT to help you calculate. Here's the calculator I used: www.omnicalculator.com/physics/helmholtz-resonator
Not only are audiophiles walking around hallucinating audio quality, but now they're also making me feel like I'm fucking hallucinating when I have to look at them.