Louis Armstrong with his brother Lance Armstrong back in 89 both went to the moon. All so you could have smaller computers and political posts like this :/
When are we gonna stop demonizing the other half of population, start understanding they may be right right at something and I may not be right about everything. People unite 🤝
Ah. So the "left" aren't social left, they just see money as the answer to all social progression too. Got it. Well that explains our current Western progress and predicament. Lot of growing up to do if, as far as social progression goes, money is seen as a power rather than a weakness. Ain't no one in need getting any that way.
History repeats and we all stay the same. New generation, another dollar.
At least "eat the rich" makes more sense. Robin Hood would rob the guy and not socially recognise them as a king. More important things to do.
Edit: I actually expected more down votes than this (7) and was wanting some discourse. Anyone? I'm looking for someone to state what's not already called out in that a core issue is the perception of monetary wealth being a controlling factor of social imbalance—which of course it is with a society of that perception.
You've all got bank accounts drained for the people, not your house deposit, right? Right? Sorry... Left? Left?