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  • Anything that hinders the GOP is a government PsyOp. Anything that helps the GOP is God's will.

    Delusional fuckers.

  • You know, even the most batfuck stupid conspiracy theories usually have at least some grain of truth to them, even in a "six degrees of separation" kind of way. At least you could trace the line of thinking back to its roots. But this?

    This barely even qualifies as a conspiracy. This is what a Walmart version of ChatGPT would come up with if you told it to come up with a conspiracy theory based on a random word salad that just happens to contain both the words "swift" and "trump". There is no logic here. It doesn't even make sense. It's like trying to treat "Person woman man camera TV" as if it were a real sentence with meaning. It's like saying "Penguins paint rocks because giraffes see in purple." It's a stream of consciousness from someone who hasn't taken his meds today.

    This is just Trump and his team's usual tactic of distorting the meaning of words in order to lessen their impact when they're used against him. Ever notice how everything is an insurrection now? Everything is election interference. Every President gets impeached. That way, when those words are used to describe him, at least a percentage of people won't look at it a major scandal surrounding a man engaged in criminal activity. They'll look at it as just another wild conspiracy theory, just like all the others, and to be mentally dismissed just as quickly. And that's the whole point. In his mind, his behavior doesn't look so bad if "everyone is doing it."

  • Eh, I feel like this is just another meaningless article meant to shift blame away from the electoral college probably.

  • Yes, by all means #GOP, please pick a fight with the most popular & well-liked billionaire on the planet.

  • they blame everything they cannot understand on a conspiracy, because they are cowards

  • There is seriously no end to the insane bullshit people like this think of. I couldn’t have thought of this if I tried spending hours thinking of the most ridiculously dumb theory possible.