Ouch my texicles
Ouch my texicles
food this shape wld be rly good to dip into the sauce however
37ReplyNothing more Texan then dipping a fucking burger in sauce.
27Replyworse even than that, im english
I stayed at a place in Austin that had a Texas shaped waffle maker and I can confirm it was perfect for syrup dipping.
7ReplyAll the panhandles makes for good sauce-dipping handling
Texas is the most self-obsessed state. California isn't too far behind, but I imagine Alaska and Hawaii are both contenders for 2nd place as well.
30ReplyNo one loves Texas more than Texans. And no one hates Texas more than Texans.
And keep Texas out of your mouth.
A Texas hatin' Texan.
30ReplyI have never been in a domicile in Texas that did not have something Texas-shaped in plain view.
10ReplyYou Texans sure are a contentious people.
6ReplyYou mean we can't say anything bad about dumb ol' Texas?
Don't underestimate Colorado. Though it's largely the recent Denver transplants keeping up that stereotype, whereas it's the long-term Texans.
6Replyyeah, everyone in texas has a texas flag, and everyone in colorado has a colorado shaped baking pan it's pretty neat
I see texun, texurger, texato, and texickles, but where's the texuce?
22ReplyUnder the tomato. If you zoom in you can see it on the top left.
7ReplyOh I could only see the cheese before, gotcha.
That's called rabbit food in texas.
Hank Hill voice:
"Just look at it, Bobby. It's got-dang beautiful, I tell ya h'wat."
15ReplyOh! They're pickles, not testicles!
7ReplyHumm love me some texickles! I'll put both straight into my mouth! so wet and salty!
6ReplyThe best part is the juice, I always suck on the texickles so I get every drop
7Reply 1Reply
TeXurger, LaTeXurger, XeLaTexurger...
6ReplyIt comes in an overfull hbox
Least texas obsessed native texan's barbeque
6ReplyOne star.
5ReplyAnd texmato too.
5ReplyAnd texuce
The Bigger in Texas Burger with Lone Star Cheese and fresh Texickles and Texato on a Texan Bun
3ReplyDeep in the heart attack of Texaaas!