Then there's my fucking cunt of a housemate who lkves on the floor above me that's the loudest mother fucker on the face of the earth and fucking stomps around until 1am every night and opens and slams close every fucking draw and door in his room, and re arrnafes his furniture every night, then gets up at 6.30 in the morning so he can stomp around some more, hack up his lungs as loudly as humanly possible and slam every door in the fucking house before leaving for work exactly when my alarm goes off, specifically so I can't have a single good night sleep ever.
I shined a torch in my wife's sleeping face this morning at 5am.
I didn't mean to, I was looking for my ear tunnel, it had fallen out in the night and I didn't want to go a day at work with a cats arsehole for an ear lobe.
I looked for my spare ones first, I really didn't want to be that guy, I'm a night person.
Anyway I sent her this and she had to remind me I was a bastard.
I tried my whole life to get up early, one day I just gave up. Started my own company, bought a house - now I live and work like nature made me. No, I wear clothes, it's just the sleep. Btw it's interesting when you're hiring how many people are like that and love the hours. I can recommend that to every night person.
See our house is totally opposite, I get up early, take myself downstairs feed the pets and have a nice quiet morning. My wife will arrive at bed at 1am, throw the bedroom light on, rattle all the drawers for PJ's, loudly demand I wake up so I can watch whatever Facebook video she's been watching and announce we should have a serious conversation about where we should book for holidays this year.
When I complain, it's 1am and I gotta get up at 6:30 suddenly I'm the reason we never talk anymore...
When I had housemates in the past, I respected this until 9AM, at that point, unless you actually have a reason to stay up past 1AM (for an 8hr sleep), then I'm afraid then it sucks to be you and I'll just be normal amounts of quiet.
If you're sleeping off a night shift and I'm up early I'll be quite as a church mouse. But if you're just laying in bed for no reason then you can deal with the noise of whatever I need to get done
Morning people are courtious and quiet for the ones sleeping late. On the other hand when a night person has to wake up early, they'll wake everyone else as well
I'm a night person but proper sleep only works at night so I had to become an early waking very quiet night person.