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What are your favorite shows and why?

I like seeing a group evolve and form good friendships. I also like sci fi and weirdness. For these reasons, two of my favorite shows are The Expanse and Severance. In both, by the end, I felt like I was “part of the team” in some way.

What are a couple of your favorites? What kind of itch do they scratch?

  • The X-Files because childhood and Gillian Anderson.

    Star Trek TNG because childhood and Gates McFadden.

  • I've just caught up with Slow Horses. The main character is played by Gary Oldman in top form. He's a spy, so decrepit and filthy you can almost smell him. He runs an outpost of British intelligence from a filthy, decrepit office staffed by a bunch of fuck-ups. It's the best thing I've seen in ages. Lots of character development, back stories, car chases, bloodshed, even a tiny splash of romance. It's on its 4th series, so I'm very late to the game. Probably because I don't have Apple+.

  • In no particular order, genre shows include:

    • Babylon 5
    • Firefly
    • X-Files
    • Fringe
    • Buffy/Angel
    • The League of Gentlemen
    • Dr Who / Torchwood
    • True Blood
    • Utopia
    • Supernatural
    • Third Rock
    • Ash vs Evil Dead
    • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    • Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
    • Peacemaker
    • The Nevers
  • I really like Black Mirror. I watched a bunch of TV shows, started and left midway through others, but I always go back to Black Mirror. Like the creator said, it's sci-fi techno dystopia. And he is working on the 7th season. One of the episodes will be a follow up to USS Callister. Awesome!

    • Are you at all familiar with Charlie Brooker's (creator of Black Mirror) comedy work? Black Mirror is great, but I honestly think he's a better comedy writer.

      He's behind all the recent great Philomena Cunk shows such as Cunk On Britian and Cunk On Earth. (Soon Cunk's Quest for Meaning)

      Cunk herself started as a bit character, a "man on the street" interview on Brooker's old comedy news show his Weekly Wipe/Newswipe. I kind of miss her male compatriot, Barry Shitpeas, but I suspect his last name made it harder to build a show around him.

      The dialogue of Daniel Kaluuya at the end of Fifteen Million Merits, where he's speaking from his fancy new apartment to his new video platform, is basically Daniel doing an impression of Charlie Brooker on Newswipe. It completely changes the final scene if you're familiar with Brooker's own comedy, it's a nice piece of self-critique.

      Also, he put John Hannah (who I still also love in The Mummy) in my good books with his send-up of tough police procedural shows with A Touch of Cloth the name of which is a reference to not being able to hold in your shit, and its crowning and touching the cloth of your underwear. Lot's of stupid cloth-related puns for funs.

  • More recent ones that are really good:

    Barry, a show about a murderer that turns out to be really funny.

    Snowfall, about drug dealers making it to kingpins. A similar show, Queen of the South is also good.

    And some classics that are funny and clever enough to rewatch:

    Keeping up Appearances, I think we all know some of these characters in real life

    Flight of the Conchords

  • The Leftovers. If I were to ever put together a top 10 list of personal favorites, this would be at the top then in a distant second I could start ranking the rest. I love how fully realized its concepts were. I love how it stuck true to its convictions right up to the end. I love the mashup of science fiction and fantasy and grief and contemporary life. I love the beautiful Max Richter score. For a show that starts pretty bleak in the first few episodes you really feel the love and warmth by the end of the series and the discovery of inner piece.

    I always like to add this caveat to anyone jumping in, the first half of season one can be tough. Episode 3 is a good taste of what the show is at its best and episode 6 is one of the best in the series and the point where most people are fully hooked.

  • Yes! 100% with you. Any show that makes me care about the characters and miss them when they're gone is a win in my book. Same for character growth. Firefly, Parks and Rec, and Schmitt's Creek were like that for me as well.

  • I really enjoyed both shows as well. You might enjoy Silo which is a pretty solid recent sci-fi show I can recommend. Andor is also excellent, it's hands down my favorite thing from the Star Wars universe. Farscape is also absolutely fantastic. It starts out a bit slow, but it's absolutely amazing once it gets going. Also enjoyed Love Death and Robots, they took a bunch of short sci-fi stories and make episodes out of each. Firefly is another excellent show.

  • I loved Severance too. I don't usually go to film for my sci-fi cravings though.

    For shows, I really like that just casual kinda mundane tone that sort of parodies reality. Home Movies is great, Bob's Burgers (the earlier seasons were better for this, but I'm still watching through them). Family Guy has those moments every now and then, although I wouldn't call it one of my top shows by any means.

    My favorite show is probably Steven Universe. Everything about it was so artistically done; especially the soundtrack. Of the realm of kids/teens shows that were designed for the whole family, Steven Universe is one of the few that I personally think had a great and satisfying ending.