Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles
Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles

Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles
Are we just not going to talk about that dumptruck of an ass?
That’s the only thing we are going to talk about.
Three comments in, as of writing, and: yup, that's the the only thing.
Is this... real?
I've seen some other photos of this one cop who is not a bastard because badonkadonk of that level gets you allowances.
Obviously she's got some kind of dysmorphia going on but her arrest photos tend to go viral for obvious reasons.
Or maybe it's just multiple edited images? What is real anymore?
There's no way that isn't shopped. If it isn't, what's her insta? I'd want proof.
Found this....
And a couple of pictures. Yeah, seems real. I'm shocked.
How does she even get her pants on?
It seems to be her
Implants my guy
Sacre bleu!
It’s wild that just 25 years ago, this would not likely be the reaction.
Hemlines go up and down
Preference for badonk goes up and down
A manly penis size and high-heel height are also super culturally defined
Damn girl, you shit with that ass?
She has to pay two tickets every time she travels.
If a component of the fart is cheeks clapping, this woman is an omega level threat.
Anyway. One can shit with less.
I'd 127 hours both my arms to suffocate in that ass
I can't just pretend that's not there!
We can discuss both!
Left and right, right?
I can. It's very doable. And I think she wouldn't want to be sexulized all the time
When I posted it I of course saw the ass. But I felt that the outrange of a bastard pulling teeth that were healthy was the real reason for the post. Alas I was wrong. Forget the teeth lets move right along to the ass
God damn it, getting these folks to stay on topic! It's like pulling... How do you think she gets out of those, anyway
She probably has to do a lot of shimmying of her hips as she pushes them down. Probably takes a fair amount of pushing, so she probably makes little grunts of effort too.
There is a new Dutch renovation show that has a girl with exactly that build. She had to call another contestent info the bathroom because she couldn't get her leggings pulled up over her ass. It's definitely causes real problems but if it's not a fake butt is another question.
The only teeth I’m interested in are my teeth biting that INSANE dumptruck.
This happened over 2 years ago. Why else would you post it now other than for dat azz?
& that too on Lemmy Shitpost
Dentists do this in the US as well. I had one prescribe me $2000 work of work because all four quarters needed fillings according to him. He died suddenly and it took me a while to get around to finding a new one. When I eventually did, I didn't mention the old diagnosis and the new dentist didn't mention needing any work done.
Lesson for everyone. If a dentist prescribes a suspicious amount of work, seek a second opinion.
Every part, 100% true.
People rarely get second opinions on their teeth. In Canada most dentist will recommend fillings for cavities that do not exist, then charge it to OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan).
Most of my teeth have shallow fillings as a result because my parents believed what the dentist said. Never ate candy, drank soda or pop when I was a kid.
This happened to me in the USA when I was 8-10 years old. It was a state sponsored program for low income families. They hit me with like 6 fillings I bet I didn't need. They went to my school and parents gave permission but weren't present so they just did what they wanted.
So now I require confirmation for all work done, x-rays and second opinions.
The fillings needed replacing over time and eventually got 5 crowns now...
Imagine getting busted by that cop, and looking around at the other cops going "are you serious right now"
Are you seeing what I am seeing 🧐 ?
Does anyone actually like disproportionate ass that’s way too big like that?
i wouldnt mind it if its natural. the issue with it being artificial would probably be the personality behind creating it than on the ass itself.
Nah, I like realistically sized asses sitting on my face.
Yes in a fantasy kind of way I will fap to it and I would love one night with her for sure. Otherwise assuming it is a "bbl", it would consider it a red flag for me personally. Someone that shallow and following bodyshape trends I would normally not date. It is also a disproportionately high cost thing to do for someone working as a police officer. That tells me something about their economic priorities.. but she could also be running a successful onlyfans in the evenings, then it is a different story again.. 🤔
I mean those trousers are doing some serious heavy lifting there.
It won't look quite as disproportionate when untethered from its harness and allowed to pop back into its natural shape.
I'm ok if it's natty.
Easy peasy, folks. If you want to know why, it was a simple decision. He thought of any number of ways he could to "naturally" meet Detective Dumptruck. He compared those options with ones he could do in his office, and then he came up with an obvious solution.
Obligatory goku meme
I realize that I have some mental issues, but I'm sitting here trying to figure out even with pushing the cheeks as far apart as possible would I actually be long enough to penetrate
Would it actually matter, though? To you, I mean?
There's a dentist in the picture?
I know what I'd want to be held against me in a court of law that's for sure
Check out that damned paddywagon though
is it just me or is that officer looking kinda THICC
It's not even shopped. Have a look at 0min36s :
Mother of god
That's just the moment where they close a door, nothing (ever) happens after, what do you mean?
"I find the defendant guilty on all charges and sentence them to be eaten by a plant from outer space."
Dayum, I'd let her Floyd me.
pass auf, die Amis reagieren nicht gut auf sowas
He needed a lot of healthy teeth to construct that groundbreaking ass dentures in order for her twerking to produce the same sound as:
Is that Jerma?
I think it’s the mark of an enlightened society when a beautiful woman can make a living outside of arts, entertainment or prostitution.