Forced to have "Gulf of America"
Forced to have "Gulf of America"

Forced to have "Gulf of America"
Even the german language version does this now.
How long until the US pull a China and attack mexican fishing boats?
Google has had to deal with disputed place names a number of times.
There's the Sea of Japan which has the parenthesized name "East Sea", which I think is only used in Korea.
There's the Persian Gulf sometimes known as the Arabian gulf.
There's the Falkland Islands which the Argentinians refer to as Islas Malvinas.
What's really dumb about this is that it goes directly against the old policy (from 2008) where they said:
When our policy says that we display the "primary, common, local" names for a body of water, each of those three adjectives has an important and distinct meaning. By saying "primary", we aim to include names of dominant use, rather than having to add every conceivable local nickname or variation. By saying "common", we mean to include names which are in widespread daily use, rather than giving immediate recognition to any arbitrary governmental re-naming. In other words, if a ruler announced that henceforth the Pacific Ocean would be named after her mother, we would not add that placemark unless and until the name came into common usage.
But, the Gulf of "America" is not in common usage anywhere. Canada should see only "Gulf of Mexico", even though it shares a language with the country that officially renamed it to "Gulf of America". And in particular Germany shouldn't see anything about "Amerika" because that's just not a thing in any German-speaking country.
Really, it should be Gulf of America (Gulf of Mexico) in the US and whatever the local name is everywhere else.
I was crucified when I compared the two on an authoritarian leftist instance I shall not name, but I think people here can agree that despite having very different colours and propaganda, they both are both converging with the facist side of the spectrum.
They've disabled posting too:
I was curious about Open Street Maps, since anyone can edit it.
Gulf of America comes up specifically as an official name for US, and there is also a note about how if you change the English name without agreement in the discussion then it will be reverted:
Discussion is here:
It seems the general consensus is that the US have that as an official name, but it's not the common English name so name:en stays as the Gulf of Mexico.
I was very happy to open up organic maps and see it still listed as Mexico.
I'm still trying to get out of Google maps.
OSM ftw
The more quickly the world decouples from the US, the better.
And for the citizens, the sooner we can decouple from billionaires the better.
They really are fucking everything up. Every billionaire in this country needs to be de-billionaired. It's going to likely come down to the people doing this at this rate.
decouple them from life
"In the movies the USA always saves the world, but in real life the world has to be saved from the USA".
China world love to come in and fill this gap. But who will keep the shipping lanes free of piracy? They have the world's largest navy.
who will keep the shipping lanes free of piracy?
You know the US isn't patrolling the shipping lanes they don't use right?
Also, no, they never managed to keep the shipping lanes free of piracy.
eh, they aren't that different
Will prices start going down now?
Of course. The name written on the map is what was keeping that huge inflation there on the US at 2%/y.
In all seriousness, periods of marked deflation are generally not economically prosperous times. The economy deflated more than 20% between 1929 and 1936. But we don't call that period in time "The Really Cool American Price Drop." It goes by another name I can't think of right now, and it's making me feel greatly depressed.
We shouldn't be fighting for lower prices. We should be fighting for better wages that track with prices over time.
Funnily enough at a macro scale the economy was in super good shape as trump took office with all economic indicators pointing upward. Wages grew by over 4% year over year while inflation was less than 3% meanwhile the price increases that were seen over 2021-2023ish were either rolled back or otherwise ceased being increased. Trump could literally do nothing, let the existing trends play out over 4 years and retire with an economy worth bragging about.
Obviously he's not going to and is enacting explicitly inflationary policies, so we're likely to see more hyperinflation within the next few years
Doing my part.
I was just about to report it as well, and they disabled that ability apparently...
Google has removed the button to report a location as incorrectly labeled from the Gulf of America.
Some users claim they’ve left reviews objecting to the renaming, but a quick scan of the Gulf of Mexico — now labeled Gulf of America depending on your location — reveals that the most recent review is from a month ago.
No, don't use the sexy meme template for this change. It's just a dumb dick measuring move. It doesn't deserve that honor.
The tuba meme would be appropriate.
Apple at least aren't showing me that dumb shit in Australia that Google is doing with parentheses:
Rolling out world wide. I moved to organic maps.
Source? Only reason I'm using Apple Maps in the first place is because I need public transport directions and it's not Google Maps. Organic Maps doesn't have them, and I don't want to use the app my state gov puts out because the way it calculates connections is garbage. Most international PT-only apps don't have my city even though it's the biggest in Australia.
This caused me to delete Google Maps, but their removal of Black History month from Google Calendar is what's making me contemplate migrating everything else away from them...
I started last week. Been contemplating doing it for a while and this whole disgusting series of events pushed me over the edge.
Cancelled every paying google services I had and I've been replacing their apps with alternatives slowly but surely.
For now it looks like this on my phone
Only thing I would love that I can't get right now is an alternative OS for my phone that I don't have to tinker a lot with, I know rhey exist but everything I read on the subject basically says: don't bother. Setting up Endeavour OS on my laptop is already a lot of work for a 42 year old Linux noob like me, even though it's far from the most complicated distro from what I understand....
I also set another launcher on my smart tv, deactivated all the google accounts that I could and I'm in the process of setting up a plex server on my laptop which I'll fill with loot from the High Seas. It's really stupid of them because I was fine paying for the convenience of streaming but now I'm gonna make a point of not doing it and I'll probably never gonna come back.
Next, I need to figure out how to migrate my website / domain out of google but that's a next week problem. By the end of the winter, I should be properly google / Microsoft free.
It's a harsh process I'm not gonna lie but it is very rewarding even though, I don't lie to myself about the fact that it's just another drop in the bucket and it's not gonna change much in the end but at least I live better with myself by doing it.
There's some recent controversy with proton mail. And I thought Google domains was sold to squarespace?
If you can, add a 1-star review in Play Store for Google Maps while you're at it. And a comment why.
I did the commenting, they deleted my review for "politics".
Same, I wish I could do this for work, as we use G Suite :(. Times like these make me appreciate open source alternatives though, but there’s a lot of work to make those tools more widely available.
That singlehandedly caused me to begin actively moving away from Google starting yesterday. Gonna be a pain in the ass, but I'm working on it.
My interim e-mail solution is Trying a 30-day free trial and annoyed at having to pay, but fuck it. It's cheap. Like $1-$3/month. Will see.
I'm assuming OpenStreetMaps has an app and plan to check today.
I've started decluttering/backing up my Drive and Photos so that I can unsubscribe from their recently-changed shit subscription structure without losing essential files.
Organic Maps is the recommendation I've been seeing for OSM. I've been using it for a week or so and have been liking it so far.
Same, really want to switch, and I think after finishing this project I'm done with windows and Google. Not gonna lie, I dread switching agenda, drive, mail, maps... A lot of fucking useful stuff that I use for everything, but I don't just want to think they are too big to fail. Fuck their behaviour.
I'm in a similar situation. Not to make the switch harder on you, but someone here posted a page with a bunch of reviews of email providers, calling out things like cost, privacy practices, and cooperation with the federal government. Here's their entry on You might want to read through some of them while you're still in the free trial.
Of course. Ugh. Thank you for the resource.
I still think the name is apt, as "America" refers to the entire super-continent, North and South.
In accordance with the more appropriate name for the great Gulf, I hereby propose that all Mexicans become also known as Americans, and all people from the United States henceforth become known as "USians".
I further propose this confer full, nay, enhanced US citizenship to all Americans. If they even want that shit anymore.
No one asking where this template is from. sigh Where's it from my good people?
Xmoron shared it and did it wrong. Ha!
Random Instagram post from one of the women. No sexuality in the original context. We all just see what we wanna see 🤷♂️
Uh huh. What's the D/s version of "Sappho and her friend"?
I question that because I remembered reading articles that had discussions with the photographer from the before times. Alas, the internet is dead and every search result for Eugeny Hramenkov is either copy/pasted AI mouth gargle or articles talking about how "Elon Musk used the meme!!" (fucking christ I wouldn't put it past the dude that all these sites are his own promotional shit). It's so completely sad to have had the internet information age for just a small hopeful glimpse before it all came completely crumbling down.
Organic Maps is cool.
Don't forget Microsoft with Bing maps. At least Google made this just for US users, they made it for everyone.
From Thailand and Singapore it shows as “Gulf of America (Gulf of Mexico)”
UK here. It's the reverse for me.
Same for France
They aren’t afraid of negative attention, at least it’s some attention and people will know they have maps too still keeping it so far, from OSM.
The place to protest this isn't Google.
We need to have everyone propose a name change to the official body in charge of place names, the US Board on Geographic Names.
Unfortunately, one of the rules on name changes is "Changing a name merely to correct or re-establish historical usage is not in and of itself a reason to change a name."
On the other hand, they also say "The most important consideration is local use and acceptance," so the sooner we act, the better.
Here's a link to the form they want you to fill out:
Thanks for following up on my comment with the most important link!
In my submittal, my reasoning also included the fact that the change to "Gulf of America" didn't follow the official process.
Any coders want to instantly have one of the most popular extensions for firefox, chrome, etc? It seems this would be the type of thing that would be relatively easy for an extension/add-on to fix.
Unfortunately probably not so easy. Maps is canvas I think, so it’s very hard to “intercept” the name. If Maps were rendered via SVG, and if the Gulf always has the same ID, then it could be possible.
Where can I find a sexy russian mommy to dump gallons of milk down my throat until my tummy explodes sending a creamy tsunami down the hillside killing everyone in its way.
Y'know it costs nothing to not post that right?
Was it worth nothing or priceless?
I actually know the answer to this, but don't need the added competition.
She looks like Emma Roberts
I don't think it would kill everyone on the way down, I'm sure a large percentage of innocent gawkers would end up getting tsunami down their own throats until secondary tsunamis, ("two-namis") eject across the entire shire
Like a dreamy milky fission of burst tummies.
Just because you know cartography is lying, doesn't mean that you have to do it on purpose
Weird that I got this:
This is a very weird visual
Is it like this for everyone?
It is for me in Europe
Yeah pretty much
Seems to depend where you're located. US here:
Well those are american companies. If the gov vhanges the name of.a.street we expect.them to change in the maps right? In this case they are following protocol
Yes, but:
Who the hell says the president can rename things via executive order? Surely that's not iterated as a power of the office.
People toeing the line without question is how fascism works. Someone at the Board on Geographic Names bent over faster than a dippy bird.
Aug. 30, 2015 President Obama announced on Sunday that Mount McKinley was being renamed Denali, using his executive power to restore an Alaska Native name with deep cultural significance to the tallest mountain in North America.
You mean like that ?
Edit: I'm in no way endorsing what trump did, which I think was a petty vindictive move on his part, I'm just pointing out that he's far from the first to have used an executive order to rename geographical features. If anyone thinks I'm being pro trump, just take a look at my post history.
Can’t wait for Apple+Google to change USA to „small penis land“ as per my decree wich changed the name to represent the population and acknowledges the fact that there not the only America, but also central and south as well as Canada and México
OpenStreet maps 😎
I just downloaded it, and I have to say it's pretty rough compared with Google maps. There's no traffic data, and it struggles to even find basic things like sushi restaurants that are clearly labeled if you search for sushi. Let alone difficult things like doctor's offices.
Downloaded what though? OpenStreetMap is just a data source. There are a number of different maps that use it.
I haven't used it in awhile but I think Magic Earth has traffic data, I'm not sure where it's sourced from but the map data they use is from OSM.
Surely more fully the "Intellectual Gulf of America".
First off fuck trump
But my hot take is that google should show it as gulf of america and remove holidays from the calendar. Google should be a source of fact and the fact is the Republican administration has officially renamed the gulf of Mexico and removed those as federally recognized holidays.
Google shouldn't be "protesting", the blame here is on the US government. I dont want Google's "opinion" on things when I search. Be mad at Google when they also refuse to do black history doodles on their front page (like, right now I think)
You're missing the part where Trump has no authority to do any of that.
And yet he does with no consequences because of the Republican administration (and frankly, the non-progressive Democrats). It's not Google's job to be a check on the government. If the US government department that manages natural landmark names has that set in their records, that's what should be reported.
Anyone know of a good alternative that works with Android Auto?
I upvote this meme format every time
It shows like this for me?? does anyone know why??
I love peppers
That’s the best choice yet - hot peppers are one thing that all the peoples around the Gulf of Mexico have in common
Apple changed it too? I literally had a coworker gloat about how they're glad they switched to apple since their iPhone would NEVER do that bc Apple is an "ethical company".
It's still Gulf of Russia on Yandex maps. JK, it's Галф оф Мексико
Oh goody, Republicans should rename a bunch of post offices too, so they can brag about how much they have made America great again -
keeps the mindless minion's minds off those grocery and egg prices.
Out of all of the shit Trump is doing, this is the least consequential. Trans people are dying because they can't get medical care, immigrants are being sent to a concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay, Trump is planning to level Gaza... but let's talk about a name on a map.
Lots of people are talking about all of it. To me this is positioning for expansionism. Less important right now for sure though
They are trying to drill it into people's head until the name becomes normalised and accepted.
You can leave a google review for 'Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)'. Lets review bomb it.
Meanwhile Google wont even update street adresses that are 10+ years wrong ffs
Where is this from?
Yes. It has been renamed.