What is the most cumbersome device you've ever used?
What is the most cumbersome device you've ever used?
What is the most cumbersome device you've ever used?
As far as phones go, the Razor Phone 2. It hurts to hold for too long.
My label printer. Horrible UI. How do I switch to capital letters? How to numbers? It can print two small lines instead of one, but how? It also has bold, italics, underline, but getting there is a game of trial and error.
And the display is not WYSIWYG, but just five or eight characters. You never know what you will get when hit the print button. And you cannot save labels you successfully designed - it just remembers the one in the system when you switched it off.
Any phone larger than my 2016 iphone SE. I have a fairphone and it's everything I've ever wanted in a phone but it's SO BIG. It has a one handed mode, but that turns itself off whenever you tap the back button, which is so annoying it's making me aggressive. I used to lie in bed, chilling, looking at memes with one hand while the other arm was cosily under the blanket. That's a thing of the past. I also can't rest the hand I have chronic pain in because I always need to use both hands to not keep dropping my phone and reach all of the screen.
I'm the opposite as my hands are big af
It'd be nice to have variety to choose from so you can suit your needs. But I guess fulfilling everyone's needs isn't profitable.
for your bedtime browsing, you might be able to solve your problem with some form of gooseneck phone mount.
Thanks for the tip, I hadn't heard of that! Would only solve part of the problem though, since I still won't be able to reach even half of the screen.
I'm left handed. What's the character limit around here, 'cause I have much to add.
Did you love those college desks? Lmao when I was in college ironically they only had left handed ones. If only we had full desks that were for whichever.
Maybe I'm lucky, but at the community college I attend I have never had to sit at a desk. Only tables. As a left handed person, I am pretty happy about that, even though I have not had to write much because computers/laptops.
Probably a forklift, those things are heavy af.
Off the top of my head a Fuji FinePix S5700 I had borrowed from a friend for some time (that was more than 10 years ago). That thing was doing continuous focus while on and idle, and it would lock focus when you half-press the shutter button - so completely backwards to what you'd normally expect from a camera.
Windows on my family members' devices.
I've been in Linux land for so long now that I've forgotten windows' idiosyncrasies... rather they've changed since XP.
Everything is hidden/obscured/cryptic. Just recently I needed to my account on my child's laptop, no way on the login screen to do that. Just their account visible. Turns out that is a feature and requires three different registry settings to disable according to MS's appalling community support.
A continuous passive motion machine.
I had arthroscopic hip surgery to repair a cartilage tear and shave down some bone overgrowth. For 3 weeks after surgery, I had to put my leg in this machine for an hour four times a day. It slowly bends and straightens your leg, which is supposed to help stave off scar tissue formation inside the hip. And it was rough. I needed my husband's help to get strapped into the thing, I could never find a comfortable way to position my leg, the thing was noisy as hell so I couldn't nap while I was using it, and I was lying flat on my back so it was hard to read a book or watch a show without hurting my neck. It sucked and I was so glad when I was cleared to stop using it.
A carpet cleaner. I had to prepare a previous apartment for showing (it's a long story) & there was quite a bit of dust on the carpet
Could just be I'm stupid, but I was not prepared for how involved such a machine is... to be fair it is meant for professional use, so I was probably just not properly trained for it
A single-furrow plow that was built so that it had to be pulled by a horse.
We didn't have a horse (it was about 50 years too late for that), but we did have a small tractor, and somehow hitched the thing to it. My father drove the tractor. And then I had to guide that plow with a very firm hand. We needed it to dig a drainage ditch on the already flooded plot. It was the only way to do that. Any other machines would have been too heavy on that wet ground. After a day of hard work with the feet deep in the water, it was done.
Any smart TV. Please just let me have a TV without having to navigate spyware or the sluggish UIs.
Any smart TV can do that if you don't connect it to the internet.
If it works at all without internet.
I truly don't understand how to use an apple computer. It's terrible to use.
@SLVRDRGN @TokenEffort I feel the same when handed an iThing these days. I don't think it helps that the ones I'm handed have had everything on them moved around and whatnot by children.
Designed by a stupid hippy that died to a somewhat survivable cancer because he was a fuckin moron.
He had some good ideas for sure, but the man himself was just manipulative twat. His products are insufferable to use. Even as an apple certified repair technician for years I despise everything about apple and it's many products.
How do you screw up the most basic fundamental things like window management and a basic file explorer, I'll honestly never understand.
Feels so slow too, no matter what you're doing, finder windows slow, opening closing apps, just moving the mouse around takes forever.
I learned how to use it as a random attempt to make a hackintosh.
I succeeded in getting the hackintosh to boot and run, played with it for a few weeks and then got bored with it and now my computers all use Linux or Windows if I have to.
I now have an actual Apple computer from 2015 that I use just for Logic when I'm recording audio (I got a great deal on the computer and a Thunderbolt 2 audio interface), and I greatly prefer kubuntu over apple.
Uses the same commands as Linux
Maybe CMD, but not GUI and actually using it.
Windows 11 in a corporate environment , Jesus wept, what a fucking disaster of a system. It just gets in your way.
They're slowly upgrading our work machines and I'm not looking forward to finally being forced to use it.
Just did mine last week, I hate it so much
Probably the iPad
Got it for free from a relative who had bought a newer model (he always has the latest iShit)
Played around with it for a week
Sure. It's smooth. That screen was drop dead gorgeous.
.... And yet everything I tried to do on the thing felt like I was fighting against it. Everything was restrained and needlessly clunky. It made me think "golly gee, windows cooperates more"
When I hear stories like these I'm always curious: what were you trying to do?
Man it wasn't even anything crazy. It's just.
All my android devices have a syncthing service that... Syncs. Things. Between them and my PC/Homeserver.
Now, the only app for Syncthing I could find on the Apple App store was a paid app, but I was actually fine with that: It seems Apple stuff is made for rich people, and I had accepted that everything would be paid for.
When you use Syncthing on Android it just. Drops things into folders. Like a normal program on a normal computer. And other applications can just access that.
But nope, not here. Everything is in its own cage, and the user has exactly ZERO control over this (unlike, say, the likes of Flatpak on Linux, where it's just a matter of granting permission manually)
My comic book folder? I had to go through a cumbersome process to manually import all the cbr files into the comic reader app. Same for my video files.
Plus like. Just the lack of options in general. It felt like I was in an airport -- Stuck in an, admittedly nice, environment and only having access to whatever overpriced products existed inside that environment.
For me it was accessing media on my file server. I ended up having to buy an app and it still sucked. Someone told me apple products let you do that now though so maybe it's not an issue anymore.
Not really relevant for an iPad, but it's a good example:
Have you ever tried putting a custom ringtone on an iPhone?
In Android you just put an audio file in the ringtones folder, either by plugging it into a pc or with an on-device file manager.
For an iPhone you need to either buy the ringtone from the store or put it on the device through iTunes (🤮). Also it can't be just any format. It needs to be a specific profile of AAC (if I remember correctly), then rename the file to have a specific extension. There is no way you could do all that without reading a guide.
i can't think of a use for these other than jerking off to porn in bed at 7am to wake yourself up. cum
I don't even think it's good for gooning -- It's much heavier than a phone, so you can't hold it in one hand (unless you have unnaturally strong and dextrous fingers?)
Like sure, that screen is big and pretty, but without something to hold the device up it's not a comfy experience.
One of my friends tried to fix his car, but somehow made the steering wheel wiggly. Turned driving into a terrifying experience, like i was trying to convince this lump of metal and plastic to do what I wanted
That's just user error. Some people should not be allowed to handle a wrench.
One of the original Windows CE-based PDAs. Fuck that thing was a nightmare to use and even worse to sync to your PC. Early mobile technology was a lesson in frustration and disappointment.
Thank goodness PocketPC and later Windows Mobile 5/6 were much better designed. I still prefer my Palm device, tho.
In that era PalmOS was expertly designed for the form factor of the devices. WinCE was like trying to run an F-1 car on a go kart track
My pixel 6a...
Bought new 2 years ago through Google Fi, camera stopped working after 2 weeks. Literal hardware failure. Used warranty and was sent another which was refurbished. (Bullshit by the way, I paid in full for the damn phone new 2 weeks prior.)
About 1 month after that one showed up Wi-Fi and Bluetooth began randomly turning off then on. Then it just flat out failed to even find any Wi-Fi networks unless I rebooted it multiple times. Bluetooth would randomly cut in and out while connected to my car. Reboot multiple times would occasionally fix it. The real problem here is I have unlimited (see -limited to 35 gigs) data. Watching YouTube in bed and falling asleep the phone would say fuck Wi-Fi and stream all night on 5g eating my data in days limiting me to 2g speeds for the rest of the month.
Eventually doing the reboot to fix this shit it would just start randomly boot looping for hours. Had to hold down volume to enter the setup mode or whatever, power off, snack the phone a couple times, restart, and if I was lucky it would start up, and I was really lucky the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth might work.
This led to eventually the phone just randomly restarting itself. Especially if the Bluetooth was working and I was using headphones and someone called me. It would just turn off then boot loop again lol. If and sometimes if I powered it off it would just be stuck on the powering off screen for an hour.
I had insurance and warranty and Google did their fucking damnedest to fuck me around. I called them (Fi) multiple times and had the issue eventually escalated to management or something. Was promised a new phone was being sent out. Never showed up. This happened twice. I filed a complaint and it was eventually (see months) followed up with a call to inform me I was officially out of the warranty period (of course I was, by the time you actually reached out) however they would ship me one if I sent mine back. They would put a hold FOR THE FULL PRICE of the NEW phone on my bank account until they received my faulty device. OR I could just send it in and they would send me a new after it has been received leaving me without a phone for up to 2 weeks. Effectively paying again for the phone I already purchased in full.
I finally broke down last week and just got a Moto stylus 5g which has been great so far. However, I got it through Fi of course because they're simply the cheapest option for me as I've had it since it came out and I am grandfathered in with 3 lines "unlimited" for $65/month. When I ordered the moto I noticed they have a trade in offer... :D I of course choose yes, followed by questions to see if I was eligible...
You're eligible for the trade in offer! You will receive a $76 bill credit once we receive your device!
Awesome! Google will be receiving the biggest, most useless piece of shit device I have EVER had the displeasure of owning and I'll receive a credit essentially making my new phone free!
It took 2 years and I suspect they'll try to fuck me out of the credit unless I get lucky and the device actually starts up normally when they receive it. But, in my own very small and admittedly petty way I feel like I'm getting revenge on these fuckers.
Tldr - pixel 6a is worthless. My wife has the same phone and hers is flawless but I was delivered 2 that were both fucked in some way. Google did nothing to fix it.
I had the original and now the 5. My kid got the same (5) and the battery was swelling. But the process to get a new one was smooth as silk, I had bought the insurance because that kid is hard on phones (they bought the phone but I am covering the insurance).
What was funny to me was we said "the battery is slowly exploding" and they said "mail it back in the packaging the new one arrives in" which was just a cardboard box. That can't possibly be safe!
Oh yea Google has some quality control issues, its probably why they have lower marketshare than even Motorola.
It took 2 years and I suspect they’ll try to fuck me out of the credit unless I get lucky and the device actually starts up normally when they receive it.
FYI, manufacturers can remotely disable your new device if something was wrong with the trade in. Like, they can literally turn your device into a brick if they typed in your device serial number in their system. Samsung have disabled devices sold in greymarket stores that Samsung didn't approve the sale of. Motorola also has this capability (if you go to their official trade in terms, they said they can disable your device if there's something wrong with the trade in).
They'll just not give the credit it said
I love my 6a, but Google's practice of replacing bad phones with refurbished bad phones is just horrible.
My last two phones have been the Motorola 5G stylus models and I have honestly not had any issues with them.
I buy them second hand because why not? And then I get like two years' worth of use out of it for an average cost of ownership of like a hundred dollars a year.
Moto makes good quality inexpensive phones.
Moto makes good quality inexpensive phones.
Agreed. I've been using moto for about 5 years now.
The best thing though? Shake your phone to put on the flashlight, roll your hand twice to open the camera.
Especially the flashlight thing would make it hard for me to buy another phone.
Soloing an Alaskan Chainsaw Mill. Bro didn't show up one day and I had logs to cut.
Not THE most cumbersome, but any time I'm at a friend's place or visiting my little brother and we play on their Nintendo Switch consoles, I'm so surprised by how stupidly slow and shitty the OS is. Especially the store is so fucking bad.
It's pretty bad, though I do like the console and game library otherwise (and in spite of Nintendos shenanigans). Trying to play two player minecraft with my kid is a sure-fire way to get it to freeze completely.
I buy codes from Amazon if I'm buying digitally lol
One of the early Samsung Android phones. They dropped „support“ less than a year after release and even during that time refused to acknowledge serious bugs.
The community built Android versions managed to fix most bugs, and even made dual touch possible, but then again could only do so much without all sources. And usually they were not the most stable either.
On the one hand having a smartphone with touchscreen, apps etc. was amazing. On the other hand Samsungs bullshit meant I wasted a lot of time chasing a properly working software for my phone that it should have had from the beginning.
I got some video goggles about 10 years ago. The picture on the box? A guy wearing cool shades. Me? It felt like 10 pounds strapped to my face in such a way I had to look straight up to sort of see a blurry, blocky video through a screen door. This had to be plugged into a DVD player or a VHS player (yes, really) with three separate cords, but still also ate four AAs more than once an hour, and had built in earbuds in exactly the wrong size. Also, there was a separate cord to a remote control that managed to get tangled up very easily despite being too short to fit in a pocket while the goggles were on your head, so I just kinda looped it over my shoulders. Claimed to have a 3D mode. Never found it. 300$ well spent.
This had to be plugged into a DVD player or a VHS player (yes, really) with three separate cords
Sounds like RCA inputs? Not sure what's so cumbersome about that. It was an improvement over the TV antenna method.
Everything else though, yeah, fuck that thing.
The Red One, Red’s first camera/the first affordable (relatively speaking) 4K cinema camera. Talk about a heavy, temperamental machine
It didn’t stop with the camera either. In the early days, wrangling the files and setting up a functional workflow was a nightmare as well.
4K raw video before hardware acceleration was no joke!
The storage 😵💫
A tape backup auto loader. It was two racks large and regular would have problems, mostly software related. Commvault was the software. Every month was a cage fight.
The first time using a zweihander.
You gotta level strength and dexterity with the Firekeeper first. What did you pick as your starting class?
The only one. Deprived. But yeah. I guess there's some investment before it's good. Especially getting it fully ranked with chaos.
I just thought of the zweihander and long swords in general in Rune Factory 4, and how slow and cumbersome they are lol, my least favorite weapon type
Macbook pro
The aluminum chassis is stupid and has sharp edges so if you use the laptop on the go it's likely to cut your wrists. The screen is so glary you can't use the thing outside at all. The keyboard is really bad and I had one of those with a touchbar which is the dumbest laptop idea ever that would constantly get activated by slight brush or water droplet. And macos is such a terrible operating system full of legacy restrictions and commands you can't customize or animations you can't remove.
I had to use one for a contract I had with an US firm for security auditing and it dropped my productivity in half tho it was fun to explore the apple world on someone else's dime knowing it's temporary but I'm not going back ever.
All the various gardening equipment that was made for someone several inches taller than me. Things to edge lawns, shovels, rakes, just a lot of stuff.
I'll trade you as mine all seem to be made for someone several inches shorter than me.
I would, but I suspect they'd still be too big for me! And if I do ever find stuff my height, it's for children and cheap shitty plastic that breaks in a day of use!
Trying to find the item I want to fuse to an arrow in Tears of the Kingdom
the original Microsoft surface. no, not the laptop, the 60" touch sensitive table. they had these great demos of nfc-enabled DnD miniatures getting stat overlays when you put them down on the map shown by the table, but trying to actually build stuff for the device was nightmarish and the input latency was frequently more than half a second. the worst part that it ran stock windows 7, which is not made for touch interactions.
Pixel Slate by Google
I got it on a black Friday Sale and immediately regretted it.
For something that is supposed to "just work" nothing just works.
It's spent the last several years as a very expensive media player. Which it isn't even particularly good at...
I bought a Chromebook for uni (the only thing cheap enough I could afford) and it was so bad I ended up installing Linux and libre office. Years later I got a pixel 2 and it came with a free Google assistant.
Pixel 2 was a great phone until one day it just never turned back on. I looked at getting the 4 and the hardware was all direct downgrades from the 2, including outdated processors from the generation before the 2 was released??
The Google assistant was the most useless piece of shit I've ever used. Never bought another Google product again.
Scuba gear.
The Ensoniq ASR-10. Fuck, that thing is heavy.
A smartphone... I barely even use it and never use it for social media. Maybe it's because I've grown accustomed to using a gaming desktop computer that still responds instantaneously even in its old age, but I find it very cumbersome to use a device where there's a 3-5 second input lag for everything.
What kind of phone are you using my guy?
That's not normal smartphone behavior.
edit: modern car
rock bar. It's a pole made entirely of metal with a little wedge at the end. You use it to pry rocks from the earth but because its so heavy you can't just slide it in and pull it up like a prybar. you kinda just puncture the dirt like a spear and lever straight through the soil to get the rock loose first then pry it out.
Ah the b'root! We have a heavy vertical axe that is shaped just like that and it is awkward to use but does something no other hand tool seems to be able to do. Stab stab stab and pry. The weight of it does help.