Reddit refugees complaining that there's too much NSFW content and communism in their Lemmy feeds
Reddit refugees complaining that there's too much NSFW content and communism in their Lemmy feeds

Reddit refugees complaining that there's too much NSFW content and communism in their Lemmy feeds
I guess they haven't discovered the button to block communities?
My feed is quite nice after blocking the stuff that doesn't appeal to me.
Same. Block is a key feature. That said, I’m actually fascinated at how many furry communities there are. You’d think blocking c/furry would take care of 90% of the problem, but who knew c/MidCenturyYiffsOnAnEamesChair had such a dedicated following.
(It isn't really, but I do like those Eames chairs...)
I don't think it's a bad thing that people complain about problematic viewpoints, even if they can block them.
The inside of those fursuits must smell awful.
Lmao that’s a comically specific /c/
It’s funny how when there’s no algorithm to dictate what you see, it’s furries and gay porn (for mastodon) that show up.
Zoomers gonna zoom
E: Apparently zoomers can’t take a joke. Get over yourselves nerds
The problem is that there are so many porn communities that I have to block one every time I open Lemmy.
Create two accounts, one with NSFW content turned off, and one with it on.
You could just browse your subscribed communities instead of All.
I’m so confused by posts like this. I see very little porn stuff on /all/. How are so many others seeing it everywhere?
Am I the only one who, like...never sees any porn in their feeds?
Is that too difficult?
You can also hide the NSFW content entirely, but some people are never happy.
I’d like to block entire servers myself. But I can’t find a way to block the whole nsfw one. Individual communities yes, but I’d like to not see the whole server.
Just move to an instance that has defederated from major nsfw instances.
I read earlier today that at least one instance is defederated from lemmynsfw so you can try making an account on that/one of those..
One of the nice things you can do on kbin, but I don’t think you can on Lemmy yet
Use a different instance, some block it
Find the hosts file on your machine. Add a line for the domain you want to block, like so:
If that didn't make sense, google the terms I used and you'll find tons of tutorials.
Some phone apps do not support that feature. Couldn't find it in Memmy for Lemmy for example, so I bounced.
You can of course always do it through the web interface.
Memmy has it. Tap the community name and then the three dots in the top right. “Block community” will pop up as an option.
I’ve been using it to block Anime/Manga/Hentai communities as fast as they make ‘em. It’s never-ending with that stuff.
Thank you! I've just been browsing with NSFW turned off, but: A) I actually would rather turn on the blur function if there wasn't literal porn throughout the "all" feed. B) A bunch of mild soft core stuff like "pretty women" and "celebs" gets through anyway.
Can't believe it never occurred to me to use the block button to shape the all feed.
The ratio right now is a bit off compared to Reddit…I didn’t mind the occasional NSFW post when it was ~1% of my feed. But on Lemmy ATM it’s about 10%. I do block em, but I feel like I’m missing the occasional NSFW post that’s important (say war updates from Ukraine, etc)
Eh, I understand that. Theres a whitelist approach and there’s a blacklist approach. Should you browse !all while cherrypicking blocks or should you manage your experience with subscriptions.
Those are probably just newbies. My Reddit account is about 12 years old, and Lemmy right now reminds me of the good days of Reddit. It's ramping up that way.
I think it's great. Read about philosophy, memes, and get the occasional booba in-between. It's good Internetting.
Reminds me of old school slashdot. A mix of techies, skeptics and libertarians. Luckily, the Demon Haunted World quotes stuck over the Ayn Rand junk. Last time I went on slashdot, it seems the libertarians took over. Never thought I'd see anti vaxxers there.
I almost forgot about Slashdot! Gosh, that was decent back in the day. I remember unsubscribing from their email newsletter years ago, after I noticed a consistent trend in topics being unfavourable to my ethos.
This is the most patronizing response in here 🤣
Christ 🤦♂️
Oh how quickly redditors forgot that r/all was packed full of porn not so long ago......
Not as much, I remember having to scroll down a good bit before seeing any. But yes
When did you arrive on Reddit's shores? Back when Digg collapsed there was gonewild porn on the front page every day.
Hilarious considering they are reddit refugees explicitly because of capitalism and the insatisble greed it stokes.
Honestly, if I was a capitalism defender, I'd go to Threads to be monetized by Zuck, but since I know zuck is a capitalist I know any niceties provided today will be pay/ad walled if the platform becomes popular the next time Zuck wants to stoke his quarterly growth/metastasis estimates.
There is no safe harbor to be had putting your faith in capitalists, only exploitation in the name of sociopathic, unquenchable greed. It's never enough, and when the chips are down and you participate, it will be taken out of your ass sooner or later.
It would be lovely if the capitalism cheerleaders could learn this through experience, but they never seem to, even after getting their ass kicked by it. Unless you hold significant capital (if you have to ask how much you need, you are not), you are not a capitalist, you are the capitalist's livestock.
Ant's eye view: I'm here because my app stopped working 😂
This has less to do with liking capitalism than it does with self-avowed communists on the internet being insufferable.
Oh no, the open source community who worked together to create a great ecosystem for free and fto the benefit of all, in the face of data greedy capitalists are commies!
Save me from these sexy FOSS anticapitalists
Exactly. I legitimately long for an actual leftist space which isn't just edgy anti-western brain rot. I want to actually discuss theory and praxis and statecraft with people who can actually acknowledge that obsessive Chinese autocracy should be condemned as harshly as western imperialism. Unfortunately, my experience on Lemmy has once again demonstrated that this is impossible.
Reddit refuge here. I'm super sad to see people trying to turn lemmy into reddit, this is our chance to make it better. Stop filling the new feed with reddit archive bullshit.
Secondly, I'm fine with the porn. I miss scrolling r/all and getting the surprise boob. Surprise boobs are the best.
Although I will say the furry community on lemmy is fierce. I've blocked like 40 communities and I'm still getting dog dicks in my feed. How many different communities do you people need?
Well said bruh, surprise boobs are nice to have back again. Definitely a lot of hentai and furries, but it's a mild annoyance. Not seeing so much commey or right wing stuff though, so I think that's people trying to shit talk Lemmy
Can you show me one? I'm genuinely curious because I have not seen any porn show up in my feeds. And I just specifically looked in all of them. I wonder if it's a bug. Did you sign up recently?
You probably need to enable NSFW posts in your profile. It is disabled by default.
You've been getting dog dicks? If they're drawn and attached a human like beast, that's us and I'm sorry. If they're like, not that? That's not us, fuck those people.
Yeah what instances have that porn?
It's one thing to be a communist; it's another to be an apologist for the CCP.
I'm having an easier time arguing with tankies then I did with right wingers. Right wingers don't even believe themselves, so they shift the goal posts around to suit their needs.
Oh, I saw the futility of talking to them lonnnnnnnnng ago. You might as well try to convince a christian that they're wrong. You know why that is? Because they're both cults.
Liberals try to understand political nuance challenge: Impossible!
Where's the nuance in simping for an authoritarian state-capitalist regime? It's like the people who unironically think the DPRK is more democratic than the US.
Fuck China, and fuck the United States I live in. The nations of the Nordic region and a few other developed nations have my respect because they respect and value their citizenry. Their economy is a tool that is used to facilitate the distribution of goods and services for the benefit of their society and its citizens, what an economy is supposed to be, instead of doing it ass backwards as we do, hurting citizens to protect the beloved fucking economy and the growth/metastasis expectations of the owner class.
China/The US/Russia are the world leaders in exporting the notion that their citizens should be exploited to stoke the growth of the economy for the benefit of their respective elites. Whoever wins, their people lose.
Why should I go rah rah America when most stakeholders in our society are not meaningful institutional shareholders in the value society produces?
It shouldn't be about saying simon says or coming out of a rich vagina or if not making perfect economic decisions and kissing ass from age 18, begging to be included and killing yourself for masters who were born into wealth for a small chance of being included in the prosperity of the prosperous nation you're supposedly a member of.
And don't you just love the class traitors here that come out to celebrate the failures of citizens who tried? oh you took out student loans in a subject that in hindsight didn't pay dividends, haha loser. Oh you just started working and didnt get an education and are stuck in the underclass, haha loser. That's what it means to be an American, rooting against one another as the owner class laughs.
Those nordic countries are suported by a global network of unequal exchange
I'm someone still recovering from republican/libertarian capitalist brainwashing. Would you know of a good book or two on this subject? It's fascinating to me.
To me, the definition of a 3rd world country is about how the poor are living there.
You can live a nice life in literally any country, if you have enough money. But how do those live, who don't have anything? That's what differentiates between a decent country and a 3rd world country.
On a slightly broader note: just people going out of their way to justify bad behavior.
As a communist who hates the CCP I see this as a win.
Some days it’s hard to tell the difference…
I'm on and there's been virtually no NSFW content I'm seeing on this account. I had to create an account on to be able to start seeing it. Hell, I have an Instagram account specifically to see NSFW stuff and I still find my feed filled with completely SFW funny animal videos, baking creations, and woodworking. The internet does not want me to give in to my vulgar proclivities.
I'm trying Connect and checked that NSFW is OK for me to see. In these two days I've seen like seven NSFW posts. LOL
There’s virtually no nsfw content on lemmynsfw (unless you have to log in?)
There's lots what are you talking about?
Yes, NSFW content is hidden unless you log in.
I just tried about eight times to sign up. It never accepted the captchas. Frustrating as hell. How about sharing your account with me? I need my naughty pics. Please set the shared password to 'hunter2'. Thanks!
No, I've missed the NSFW content. Reddit got rid of all the fun stuff for crypto spam.
Porn is like raid for the ad cock roaches. Nobody will try to advertise if there's a lot of porn.
That being the case: Viva la smut!
I just don't understand this...there's plenty of sites to see NSFW things. So why not just go to them? Tho I guess as a female I just don't appreciate all the naked women so to me I'm glad to not see it.
Due ti the hive mind you can find something you may have missed. Happy little accidents.
It hits different when it's a surprise
Weird. I don't see much of that at all, even on "All". I guess it depends on what instance you join.
Did your instance defederate It shows up quite a bit on my "all" feed.
Sorry for the late reply. It's been a busy couple of weeks. I double-checked and it isn't defederated. I think maybe no one had ever looked up content from the server before so it wasn't showing up. It hadn't federated yet. Now that I've pulled in posts with a search, I might have opened the floodgate. LOL.
I haven't seen any porn at all. (And I checked the NSFW checkbox.)
I do see posts about how China is the greatest country on earth and how they will save the planet from global warming. Which is funny to me because they are the biggest contributors to climate change, global warming, pandemics, terrorism, suppression of free speech, murdering their own citizens with tanks, but I don't seem to recall clicking that checkbox.
In our feeds, comrade.
woah woah woah...
I haven't seen any porn since I joined lemmy. Where do I find
It's mostly on the instance, but you should be able to see it when looking at All. Maybe the app you're using has NSFW content blocked by default? Yeah there's a ton of porn, but mostly just images or links to red gif
People on thinking we just really enjoy Mali.
It's actually been super refreshing to, generally, be able to say I am a Marxist-Leninist and not immediately get downvoted into oblivion. There are still some of the kneejerk reactions to the CPC, but even then people seem more willing to engage on good-faith even with disagreements.
be able to say I am a Marxist-Leninist
I think those two things are not the same and quite incompatible. Modern China is a capitalist hellscape, certainly not the communist utopia Marx had in mind. They have one of the highest levels of wealth disparity in the world and the highest number of billionaires, even more than the US.
I fully believe that Marx would be horrified if he saw modern China.
It's always the people who haven't read Marx who say this.
Where's your source on wealth disparities and number of billionaires? I see this: (make sure you're sorting by per capita)
Theres is a lot of nuance to that argument. Even Marx agreed that a capital stage is a necessary step on the way to communism. That's the whole dialect part of dialect materialism. Each step of the ladder has to be walked through and past as it becomes obsolete.
I have not seen any porn. What am I doing wrong?
3 possible things:
I tried hot. I tried top too. I'm on .world and 'show nsfw' is checked on.
Omg thank you! I didn't know I had to change my settings
LOL same
Pepperidge farm remembers when reddit had porn on the all page.
Create 2 accounts. One for daily reading with NSFW turned off, and another account with NSFW content for one handed reading. Problem solved.
The only trouble is that not everything NSFW is porn. Your suggestion only works if you never want to see things like potentially-disturbing news articles, fail videos where somebody gets injured, etc. either. (Or if you're a sicko who gets off on that stuff too, I suppose!)
NSFW content. That's disgusting. Where? Where is this vile content?
Definitely don't browse the NSFW communities here:
Hang on, where is this NSFW content? I need to review it... i mean, before I can express this outrage too.
I have seen virtually no porn here on kbin. What am I doing wrong?
Same. Had to make a few horny accounts to compensate.
Is kbin not federated with lemmynsfw? That's where most of the porn posts I see come from.
We most definitely are, because it was the first thing I ever personally blocked. So that's...odd. I'm not aware that kbin currently defederates anyone
Well, I've disabled nsfw so really it's like 95% memes for me at this point
We like to be called cummies
Do those taste different depending on the manufacturer's diet?
I don't get any porn... Am I doing something wrong?
Lemmy actually has two different "trending" feeds. Active, which seems to show posts that are getting more comments, and Hot, which seems more focused on votes. You probably have Active selected by default. Turns out porn gets lots of upvotes but doesn't generate a lot of conversation.
I've just checked both active and hot (and for what it's with, also checked new and and the other options). No porn or nsfw posits in at least the first several screenfulls of scrolling through "all"
Show nsfw is turned on on my account settings.
Maybe you're on or one of the other instances defederated from lemmynsfw where most of it is from 🤷
They are on the same instance as you are (
What 'my friends' have done is make an acct on lemmynsfw and one on ml, the apps allow you you to swap between accounts in 2 button presses. (Jeroba for me). So I have porn mode and doom scrolling mode.
I would not say this is true as the main feed is seriously 90% memes, the rest is porn and some legit interesting posts.
Not saying that they're necessarily right, just that the combination tickled my funnybone 😉
Just a small minority of idiots whining about everything as usual
And communism.
I haven't seen anything political or porn yet.
I think you might be looking at lemmygrad
Are they too dumb to uncheck the "show NSFW" button in settings? It was the same in Reddit idk. Can't do much about Communism, but at least the Lenin porn is blocked.
I wish there was a "Show Communism" switch too
Just visit .ml
Reddit has NSFW off by default on new accounts.
Doesn't Lemmy also do this? On the few accounts I have across instances I've had to explicitly check the "Show NSFW" box when I create my account.
Wait. Where is this Lenin porn you speak of?
... in Warsaw.
For people who didn't watch way too many Zizek talks: Zizek used this joke to illustrate a point. As it goes, I completely forgot the point, but memorized the joke. Probably because I'm a pervert. Here goes: In an exhibition in Moscow, there's a painting with the title "Lenin in Warsaw" depicting a woman who looks suspiciously like Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin's wife, screwing what appears to be a student. A confused visitor asks the guide standing beneath the painting: "But where's Lenin?" The guide, of course, answers: "Lenin is in Warsaw."
I don't really have much problem with communism posts or comment, but too many communists/socialists are praising Lenin or Stalin which is just fucking stupid on so many levels.
I have show NSFW content and have yet to see any.
Go to lemmynsfw instance
Pornography? On the instance dedicated to pornography? Shocking.
Really? I'm constantly blocking NSFW communities from my feed.
Sorting by new has a lot of porn for me. I'm on and world the most. It doesn't seem to make it into the hot sorting.
Wait what the fuck is that nsfw content in my feed? All I get is beans and poop… and I even have nsfw checked under my profile.
What instance are you using?
A lot of us are FOSS fans, what do you expect? ;)
That's rich, especially since Communism and Porn are EXTREMELY common on Reddit.
Unless you were on explicitly communist subs, reddit was extremely hostile to communists. You could definitely get banned from some subs just by association.
Porn was everywhere though, yeah.
I never saw porn on Reddit though I suppose it was there.
But "communism"? Wtf are you talking about? Like actual 1950s style red scare stuff? Lol
Nah, Americans just mistake subsidized healthcare and prohibitive gun laws as actual communism
Honestly, I saw this post and was literally laughing at loud. Thanks mate!
You're very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😁
"Damn commies. They ruined communism!"
Your means of production have just made an enemy for life!
“Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!… Nothing at all!… Nothing at all!…”
sent from my iPhone 13 Pro
Honestly, i haven't seen a single NSFW post in lemmy. But if someone know where I can find it, so that I avoid visiting there.
I would also like to know where this unsavory place is. So that I can avoid it.
You should be very careful to avoid and both of these may contain lots of posts you would not be interested in
you must have it disabled. i browse by top of some time interval and i know im out of new content when its all blurred nsfw images lol
I browse by all and new a lot. It's a good way to find interesting posts that get buried by the memes, but you also find a lot of NSFW stuff.
What are they subscribing to? I've not seen anything like that, just old memes revived, beans, and some great content.
There doesn't appear to be much on or (or at least it isn't popular enough to show up in the Active, Hot, or Top feed), but if you select "All" instead of "Subscribed" or "Local," stuff from instances like etc. will start showing up.
Ah, my reddit rule of never selecting ALL is what saves me then.
The only nsfw thing ive seen on lemmy was on lemmynsfw, afaik you can't see nsfw without being a part of that instance. Not sure what people are complaining about
If you browse the all feed you can see nsfw posts as long as your instance is federated with the nsfw ones. That's if you have nsfw enabled on your account though, which you can turn off.
Isn't that why we're here?
Yes, that's exactly why I'm here. I haven't seen much of that, but I would sure love to :D
... That is why I am here.
Here on Lemmy or alive at all?
kbin but yeah
kbin but yeah
I can excuse the communism, but Flanders is where I draw the line.
What the darn-diddily-doodily did you just say about me, you little witcharooney? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Springfield Bible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret mission trips in Capital City, and I have over 300 confirmed baptisms. I am trained in the Old Testament and I’m the top converter in the entire church mission group. You are nothing to me but just another heathen. I will cast your sins out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Heaven, mark my diddily-iddilly words. You think you can get away with saying that blasphemy to me over the Internet? Think again, friendarino. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of evangelists across Springfield and your IP is being traced by God right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggorino. The storm that wipes out the diddily little thing you call your life of sin. You’re going to Church, kiddily-widdily. Jesus can be anywhere, anytime, and he can turn you to the Gospel in over infinity ways, and that’s just with his bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in preaching to nonbelievers, but I have access to the entire dang- diddily Bible collection of the Springfield Bible College and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your sins away off the face of the continent, you diddily-doo satan-worshipper. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little ªcleverº comment was about to bring down upon you from the Heavens, maybe you would have held your darn-diddily-fundgearoo tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re clean of all your sins, you widdillo-skiddily neighborino. I will sing hymns of praise all over you and you will drown in the love of Christ. You’re farn-foodily- flank-fiddily reborn, kiddo-diddily.
Can I interest you in another white wine spritzer?
Very Reddit comment. Thank you for making it feel like home.
I bet a lot of Belgians would take offense to that 😛
Thats the fun part
What subs are they subscribed to? I see none of those 2 on (unless I would specifically search for it)
The reason why you aren't seeing any porn on is probably that it's defederated from lemmynsfw where most of it is.
That you're not seeing anything related to communism from a Marxist-Leninist instance is something of a puzzler, though 🤔
Horny young idealists
It's pretty rude to come into a new community and the first thing you do is complain. Not everyone is as obsessed with avoiding communist thoughts as much as US-Americans. Deal with it. As for NSFW: just switch it off.
True lol. I'm not the one complaining, though, I'm just the guy who thought the combination was hilarious and got an idea for a meme 😁
Communists are fine, tankies on the other hand are not. It's not fun watching tankies defend the USSR as someone who had a large part of their family deported to their death camps.
I believe that US-Americans are unable to do so because
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Its pretty rude to be a shitheel, too.
Yet here you are, embracing it fully.
I wish i could block entire instances. Seeing the concentrated cancer also known as lemmygrad is annoying was started by tankies. It's more pro-China (aka state capitalism/corporatism) than it is Marxist though.
@SeaJ @TheBlue22, although there are participants from the extreme left on, it is a good site. I prefer, like anyone oriented to the left of the political spectrum with a social ethic, this field than one oriented to the extreme right and fascist, of the social networks that we all already know. You can argue with those on the left, with the fascists it's not possible, in any case, if you don't like it, just ignore or block the corresponding instance.
It's cool bro. I drink the beers and watch busketball with my comrades.
It's somewhat ironic that they ban communists and anticapitalists there. Probably a honeypot for certain types
There are a lot of commies here. I don't particularly like them but that is there right and lemmy is not and should not be pro-censorship. If somepeople don't like them they should find an instance that suits you better.
There are alot of people who are pissed off about the current system here. Makes sense, since these would be the people who are willing to push through the growing pains of the fediverse to remove themselves from corporate centralized sites.
For example, I'm not necessarily a communist, since I am not convinced it's the best alternative to our version of capitalism in America; but I will agree with the communists when they say we need to replace our broken system with something better.
I agree too. The problem is many communist are actually Russian propagandists. There, they "really" think communism is a viable option. But openly discussing this stuff without bias? That would be awesome. Also probably not happening
I've been on for about a month now and have hardly seen any porn at all. Not sure what these people are looking for that is getting them so much porn.
I think I could count the number of porn posts I've seen in the last month on one hand. Where do they claim all of it is coming from? I wouldn't mind more porn tbh.
I for one welcome my new meme, porn, and communism content overlords.
One can hide NSFW content using Connect for Lemmy. Also using Connect, one can filter particular words in posts. I know the apps for Lemmy are young, but if we Redditors will have a teeny look around, we can find a couple of tools to help us. It may not be perfect yet, but give it some time.
Just turn off NSFW when you aren't Horny. Set default view to subscribed
Putting the communism in community
Porn? What porn? If I intend to.... do research, I return to reddit (since old reddit does not stop me from going to... research subs) and in all my time on, I have yet to see a single titty being shoved onto my front page.
Meanwhile me using my own instance and don't see any commies or nsfw posts except for the occasional spam...
Yeah, not everyone wants to deal with the bullshit and legal ramifications. Shit like this is why this place is going to be difficult to grow.
What legal ramifications? Last I checked, neither porn nor communism was illegal anywhere except a few places with totalitarian governments that block all social media anyway..
who would do such unholy thing like posting porn... I think it's time to check if it is bad for the children brb
Wound up creating a Lemmy account as well as this one. Still getting accustomed to it but it appears that, instead of relying solely on the mods to manage content, more control is given to the end user. As long as I can easily block trolls and other content I don't care for, I'm good.
On the other hand, where FB is concerned, you just can't make it go away. I'm stuck with that account because of events and messages but looking for work-arounds for both.
10 years without, I agree
They've made it near impossible to live without