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  • You didn't do that a couple of years ago when Musk decided to push his own posts and right wing content to the top of everyone's feed? I dropped twatter that same day.

    Mastodon works well, tell your twatter refugee friends.

  • I deleted Threads five days ago.

    It was a cesspool of (Russian? Troll Farm?) propaganda attacking Harris for not having any accomplishments for the last four years, complaining about housing, grocery, egg, and gas prices, “fixing” America, a crapton of pro-jesus stuff, pro-Elon comments and reposts, government money going to “illegals” instead of hurricane victims, and a ton of made up lies. …

    All of which were as transparent as fuck why they were wrong. VP’s don’t make policy, so what accomplishments should she have? Housing has been going up for a decade+, it’s not new, egg prices were normal while the pics were of organic egg prices and expensive grocery carts had hidden high cost items or just straight up lied about the cost, gas prices are the lowest they’ve been for years. Jesus stuff praised trump, America, tons of AI generated “holy” trump pics, bashed atheists, posted Elon’s BS pseudo-wisdom, Ignored the $20Bn spent on hurricane relief in favor of a few hundred million housing the undocumented workers living in the affected area…

    It was infuriating. Because they were so obviously wrong…blatantly, in-your-face, completely fucking wrong. It was a constant flood of lies. Eight out of nine posts were BS.

    But as soon as the election swung in Trump’s favor…poof…it went quiet. Hardly a peep. Gone.

    And I realize that Threads was captured completely by troll farm bots spewing right-wing propaganda. And it was a waste of time. So my account will be deleted.

  • This should have been advised many months ago. Now it’s too late. Shithead won.

  • Twitter (I will always call it that-fuck you melon head musk), is just fox news for the internet, a fascist hate app.

  • give up social media? nah that's too hard for people lol.

    • Not give up. Just move away from corporate owned social media which generally has biases baked in and allows for easy manipulation by the company. The one we're on right now is not one of those and there are lots of other alternatives. Not that they're perfect, just that money and especially wealthy individuals aren't able to easily and singlehandedly manipulate millions of people by purging factual but dissenting information.

      • as someone who made their own instance, talk about it to family and friends and try to convince them to jump on mine, I definitely have not given up. your completely valid talking points are null and void unfortuntately, my social circles are unable to get people they interact with to jump ship as well. they just want their family and friends to see their posts and don't really care what's going on behind the scenes..

        Its me trying to convert people to use signal all over again, but i won over many of my colleagues and family by telling them to jump on signal as my birthday gift years ago..... maybe I'll have people sign up as a Christmas gift for me this year lol

    • Find a small community of like-minded friends to hang with online.

      Hell, I only visit Reddit and Lemmy for the big news for a few minutes before heading off to check discord and matrix chats and everywhere else I go.

      Branch out.

  • Sure, do it for your mental health, but it won’t do anything else now. That ship has sailed, been torpedoed, and is now chilling at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.