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Why do some people in the USA assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans?

Not everyone thinks this, but I know an extreme right-winger who thinks this. He is also a conspiracy theorist who thinks non-white people are out to get white people so, yeah, odd.

Not every immigrant is illegal or bad. I know a girl who didn't speak English for 3 years when her family legally immigrated, so of course she's been told this.

  • Because they're stupid, bigoted cunts. I IT in construction (somehow still, whew thats another story) and I talk to these troglodytes on a daily basis. The minute one of these homunculus shambles in and has a minute to flap their lip skins racist ass, stupid ass shit flows out. Meanwhile, every gentleman that is of Mexican descent can at least hold their cool, or outright flipoff the trump cutout my boss has up in our office. Not saying they aren't imperfect humans either, but for some fucken reason white dudes can't help but drop the mask to other white dudes. All I gotta do is have one Trump trinket near me to work magic on anyone conversing with me. The trick is, a lot of the immigrant dudes didnt start flipping Trump off until he actually began this deportation shit. Even when he was saying he'd do it they were saying he'd fix stuff. Its a people thing man idk. Education in the western hemisphere is just utterly failing most. If you aren't a knowledge seeker, if you dont have the tools to combat propaganda and falsehoods, and sometimes even if you do, this place will eat you.

  • "Shouldn't that logic apply to..."

    One must remember that people aren't logical. They're hypocritical and willfully ignorant.

  • White conspiracy theorists know they stole this land and are terrified that what goes around, comes around.

  • For a moment I was like wtf...then I saw this was on no stupid questions

  • Oligarchs are seizing control of the country. Wages have been declining for decades; there was a time when you could buy a house with just a few years' salary. As the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, the middle class slowly sinks towards the poverty line. To shield themselves from public scrutiny, the oligarchs use propaganda to spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. They deploy their most charismatic and beautiful individuals to tell you that if it weren’t for all those foreigners, you’d have a stable job.

    Meanwhile, all manufacturing companies have been sold and moved overseas. Unskilled and uneducated labor is at an all-time low. Drug use is up, crime rates are soaring, and neighborhoods are falling into poverty. Is it time to protest, to start an uprising? But wait—straight from Fox News: all those immigrants who came over are criminals. It's gang violence. Other countries are exiling their criminals and sending them to us. Our poor, uneducated, unwashed masses are eager to believe this, allowing the right to swoop in, carrying these people back home. They believe that finally, they'll land that big job, get the big raise, the big truck, have nine kids, and live happily ever after.

  • That's just bad logic saying that all Americans all are immigrants. It implies that land is bound by blood and every modern immigrant everwhere would never be integrated into society, since they weren't the original people there. Every society that has migrated would also receive this immigrant label, like the Hungarians and Bulgarians. There comes a point where the people who conquer lands become the people living there and not just immigrants.

    These kinds of bad gotchas aren't proving anything unless you seriously think they are only going for immigrants. They are racists. They use the term immigrant to refer to non-white people.