21 stone?! I swear you guys will use anything instead of metric
175ReplyI'm glad it worked for him, but if someone did that to me, I'd probably get fatter just out of spite.
62ReplyFor the US users, that's 0.79 Danny DeVitos
52Reply294 lbs for other confused Americans, 133.4 Kg for everyone else that's not British.
45Reply6 weeks?
30ReplyHad no idea kidney stones were that big
29ReplyOnly way someone can loose 130kg+ in 6 weeks if they get chopped in half.
28ReplyThis brings me memories of fathate or whatever that fatfobic subreddit was called.
23ReplyHow many pebbles in a stone, and stone in a boulder? It's a convenient measurement, I'm sure.
22ReplyWith peer pressure you can do anything!
21ReplyWho the fuck measures anythin in stones?
21ReplyHe lost a lot of weight and all it took was daily malicious bullying?! How inspirational.
21ReplyWell it's UK so I'm guessing now the friend goes: "skinny fuck" every day?
20ReplyAnyone else a bit suspicious of a skinny chef?
18ReplySo were those stones ugly? Or just too much for his furniture? Why is this so anti-stones?
16ReplyFeedback is a gift when properly wrapped.
9Reply21 stone in six weeks?
8ReplyTo me, I read it as though he decided to lose weight after 6 weeks of his friend texting him. He then decided after 6 weeks, that he will start losing the weight. Yea? Yea I'll go with that
6ReplyDid he pay for 1½ month gym membership?
6ReplyAnd they say words don't affect you physically.
5ReplySo did he lose stones or grow a pair? This is so confusing.
5ReplyDamn, I don't even weigh 21 stone, he lost more than I weigh! That's wild.
4ReplyAnd they say fat shaming doesn’t work…
3ReplyThis is how the devil thinks that motivation works. He probably was a chef though.
2ReplyIt’s the Bill Burr method.
1ReplyDoes anyone remember those stories about the really fat girl who went to Japan and the person who documented their antics?
1ReplyFatpeoplehate still going strong