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  • it would be hilarious if motherfuckers shitposted elon down from his throne. it would be my favorite timeline.

  • "I've never physically hurt anyone" - That is very oddly phrased. He is very aware that he is hurting people, but tries to draw the line at "physically" for some reason. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the line he's drawing for himself that he will soon step over and ignore because he believes he is being treated unfairly and needs to take his gloves off.

  • lmao @ having to qualify "I've never hurt anyone" with "physically"

    Just means you're a privileged coward.

  • You almost did buy happiness with money, Elon, then you just had to get into politics. I see why he and Trump get along.

  • Spoken like a true narcissist coming down off...whatever he's doing in Trump's lap at the white house. Ketamine mixed with Nitrous and spray-tan poisoned cum?

  • That's because Mr.Elon, you like Nazis & whitewashed Hitler's crimes.

    Not to mention you also want to turn the world into a Anarcho-Capitalist hellscape.

    Oh & your products were never excellent in the first place