Please don't stop hating guys it's working
Please don't stop hating guys it's working

The depression for fElon is sinking in.. don’t stop making fun of him
Please don't stop hating guys it's working
The depression for fElon is sinking in.. don’t stop making fun of him
it would be hilarious if motherfuckers shitposted elon down from his throne. it would be my favorite timeline.
"I've never physically hurt anyone" - That is very oddly phrased. He is very aware that he is hurting people, but tries to draw the line at "physically" for some reason. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the line he's drawing for himself that he will soon step over and ignore because he believes he is being treated unfairly and needs to take his gloves off.
Does it count as a lie by omission if you ADD a detail to make it happen?
And it's not true because his shoddily made cars have killed people
Nobody is physically hurting him, so I don't know what he is whining about.
"physically" is quite an admission
He deserves all the hate he gets.
And that hilarious line "...I've never physically hurt anyone". Interesting how he has to qualify that by saying he never 'physically' hurt anyone. Like he knows if he said he never hurt anyone, he'd get called out right away. What a joke. Yeah, he's financially ruined people, cost people their jobs, selling defective vehicles, overpromising and underdelivering, stolen from people (see how he took control of Tesla. People say he founded Tesla, but he didn't. he was an early investor, and used strong-arm tactics to oust it actual founders), but he's never actually physically put his hands on anyone, so he's a good person... right.
He forced them to sign a contract allowing him to call himself hte Founder despite that being literally not true
He has hurt his trans daughter deeply by broadcasting her private life to millions against her will, he is a complete stochastic terrorist.
he operates like trump, get other people to hurt them for him. thats how gang/mafia works.
abuse by proxy.
lmao @ having to qualify "I've never hurt anyone" with "physically"
Just means you're a privileged coward.
there is no violence against him remember, just the hate. dude is overreacting like a little bitch.
Funny how he says he never 'physically' hurt anyone, instead of he 'never hurt anyone, period'. Because he knows if he said he never hurt anyone, he'd get called out for all the crap and shady dealings he's done, and all the people whose lives he's ruined.
"Boo hoo have empathy for me" - Elom
Not for lack of wishing
What a snowflake. Nobody's physically hurt him.
I love how most of the world has turned against him.
Last half of the tweet is missing, he blames woke Democrats if I remember correctly, claims he's helping.
wait wait wait wjat the fuck is this actually happening
Yeah, context matters. He thinks he's the hero still, blames the "woke mind parasites" against him and he's here to fix it
LMAO what a tool. Money can't buy friends or popularity.
Considering that his doge team has broken into the Peace Institute, Musk doesn't strike me as a peaceful guy.
Seriously ? double-sieg-heil and he's asking why the hate ?
It's incredible how detached from reality he is. He's doing this stuff but I'm not sure he really understands how it's affecting others. He does however understand how it affecting him though.
The privlidge of wealth. Something I'll never understand.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is pretty much a requirement for becoming a billionaire.
he is on ketamine, cocaine, and alcohol.
Sub 200 TSLA is possible!
Hell, I believe sub 100 TSLA may be possible. That'd be when his empire really starts to crack.
I'm excited at the idea of his margin calls a' knocking.
I could happily live out the rest of my life without ever interacting with a single Musk product again.
too bad ive been see a ton of his trucks as of lately
Same, mostly because I live in the same city they’re built.
You almost did buy happiness with money, Elon, then you just had to get into politics. I see why he and Trump get along.
The emotional intelligence of a snail! This is what happens when you put a stunted man-boy in charge of anything. Somehow, he has enough regular intelligence to convince other people to join in and give money. Except for the fact, he knows will be a target so he has a huge private security team and uses his kid as a deterrent to gun violence. Before the election, never saw him with any children. After it, see that kid every place he goes. So which is it Elon, are you afraid of people targeting you for what you have done, what you supposedly uncovered in your slash and burn of the government, or is it because of recent events involving a healthcare CEO? Either way he realizes some of the danger he has put himself in.
the kid is meant as a human shield against criticism, and percieve assasination attempts.
"I am a deadly threat to (...) humans" - Elon Musk, 2025
"I've never physically hurt anyone" says the man setting back cancer research in the US by decades and purposely starving poor people abroad (and at home).
and also have been associated with epstien/island on occasion. setting back both social progress and STEM research, i believe stem funding has been underattack as of late, columbia university have seen bowing to trump by "reprimanding 22 students. funny the columbia university was where these type of protest started.
But not unlike Hitler, he never actually physically pulled a trigger, or set an electric car on fire, or stole food from a hungry person, so really the hate against him is totally irrational and comes outta nowhere. s
Not to be pedantic, but Hitler was in heavy combat in WW1, so he's actually pulled the trigger several times and we have no idea how many people he directly personally hurt or killed. Elon Musk would never let himself be put in harm's way. Hell, he'll use his own son as a bullet shield to ensure he's never in danger.
Well Elon, its because you're a twat.
Thanks for asking bro, here are a few tips:
Also, at the end of the day, all forms of hurting someone are also physical.
Elon just do it.
Max. 1 year in the office before shareholders start calling him back.
I wish nothing but the worst on him and his ilk. Eat the rich. Luigi this man asap.
deep sigh of relief it's like stretching my legs after being on a crowded flight that is Reddit.
I'll just put it out there that ukraine is really running the gauntlet on leveling the playing field between what state actors can do and what you can do in your garage. Their drones are homemade marvels, and very effective.
Idk why I thought to mention that, but I hope you have a nice day :)
Even by the standards of terminally online rich people, he is thin skinned.
It is actually kind of astounding.
He genuinely thinks he's an exemplary human being who's leading humanity towards an interplanetary golden age. It doesn't help that 1/3 of the country has bought into that fallacy and worships him as humanity's greatest entrepreneur. It's a reality he's fully bought into and any opposition is a threat to his perceived destiny and very existence.
Hitler also didn't physically hurt anyone in World War 2. He even had a car company that apparently made great products.
The irony of me looking at a Tesla in disgust from the seat of my GTI isn’t lost on me
Luckily the child (VW) didn't grow up to become like its parent
And was responsible for creating the autobahns. If he had only stopped there.
Well, in the end he did physically hurt someone
Idk if I've ever encountered anyone who had a larger prosecution complex than this twat. MF was born on, not on third base, but on home plate FFS and he's still a fucking a loser. Pathetic.
Isn't this the language of an abuser?
"Physically". He knows.
He's a social murderer.
“I’ve never physically hurt anyone” says the man setting back pandemic alerts and preparedness by years, despite results from trumps first term with covid
Spoken like a true narcissist coming down off...whatever he's doing in Trump's lap at the white house. Ketamine mixed with Nitrous and spray-tan poisoned cum?
The guy lives in a f***ing video game where "people" must be an abstract concept reacting to a simple set of rules, and none of the actual physical people he can see is part of it.
I think the Ukrainian people would think differently, Elon the draft dodger.
What violence against Musk? Did someone punch that Nazi?
He thinks that people damaging Tesla dealerships is violence against him.
That tweet is so weird. He hates several groups of people (trans, etc), can't they hate him back? He never physically hurt anyone? Well, no one has physically hurt him as well. So far, quid pro quo..?
It's not the hate a violence he's concerned with, it's the image that's fucking his stock that he's worried about. He wants to Steve Jobs it but he doesn't have enough emotional awareness anymore to create the reality distortion field so he just goes full tyrant.
He was caught whipping his dick out to a woman he has power/authority over.
It would be physically violent to swing a bat at Elon's face and then stop at the last moment, even if there's no physical contact. It's not an "emotional attack" to point a gun at someone. You can be physically violent to others using your demeanor and closeness.
But I guess forcing your dick into someone's view in close proximity doesn't count as physically hurting someone.
If you can call his shrimp dick a penis.
I can say this with all sincerity because I also have a small penis.
Hell yeah June (Western Kabuki podcast).
Also I don't believe any of this psychopaths when they're playing uwu I'm just a smol bean baby, this is the guy who keeps going out of his way to champion having less empathy.
"I've never hurt anybody with a hammer gahh why all the hate?"
Motherfucker forgot that when you have Yeezy level arrogance, you also need Yeezy level dgaf.
You don't get that kind of wealth without hurting people.
He knows, he qualified it with he hasn't physically hurt anyone, so it's like, cool, you know?
Pretty sure that stopping cancer research is gonna physically hurt a lot of people.
ooh, ooh! I can answer that!
Because you're a nazi piece of shit and have accomplished nothing more than being born rich and taking credit for other people's work.
Also you're wrong about the products, your companies make absolute shit especially when they listen to you.
Also you're a sexual harasser obsessed with impregnating women because you can't make up for the fact that you're an unfuckable troglodyte.
Oh and you were buddies with epstein and ghislaine.
Ohhh I have never physically hurt anyone. Note the "physically" he knows exactly what the fuck he is doing. I hope his penis pump explodes, catches on fire, and burns him to death from the dick up.
(the fate I wished on him that got me my final reddit ban! hahahah)
Well nobody's physically punched him in his exceedingly punchable face, so I guess there hasn't been any violence against him at all! And frankly until we get to tell him in person to fuck off and die, by his metric we haven't hated him either!
He has hurt plenty of people though.
People have DIED because his cars are shit & he lied about what they can actually do.
He didn't design, engineer, or build those. You give him too much credit. His input likely amounted to "make it cheaper and raise the price"
Arguably he made Tesla's autopilot shittier by removing LIDAR because it was too expensive.
I'm speculating but it seems plausible to also make decisions like start selling the cars even though the engineers are saying they are not ready yet.
He's the one who sets company culture as CEO, so the "move fast and break things" that got that lady stuck in her car while she drowned is his fault, and it will get a whole lot more killed when they actually enable that autopilot of theirs on the cars.
ignore QC, thats why some of his regular tesla have problems.
The harm Musk has done to people far exceeds that of if he were in nonstop physical altercations 24/7.
Musk has killed people. Musk has starved children and animals.
That's because Mr.Elon, you like Nazis & whitewashed Hitler's crimes.
Not to mention you also want to turn the world into a Anarcho-Capitalist hellscape.
Oh & your products were never excellent in the first place
I drew the line at union-busting CEO who falsely accused someone of being a pedophile
Lmao, this. He's been an asshole for years. The fact that THIS is finally what got people to turn against him is frankly pathetic. People have no morals.
And fishsticks are... breaded, they're fried, they're frozen.
I don't think he'll ever get it.
I've never physically hurt anyone.
This is called a suspiciously specific denial.
Like saying "I was never convicted for shooting anyone in the head with a 9mm."
Another common example of this is the conservative justices testifying under oath before confirmation to the supreme court. Whenever they were asked about something like Roe vs. Wade, they always were suspiciously specific in the words they used to deny they were going to outlaw abortion.