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In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment?

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I know that remakes and remasters are contentious, but let's pretend whatever game in question you're thinking of is handled with the utmost care by your favourite devs and they absolutely nail it.

Mine would be Shadow of Memories (called Shadow of Destiny in North America). It's legitimately one of my favourite games of all time but it kinda flew under the radar and I haven't met many people who know of it let alone played it. Seeing it get modern graphics, maybe some expanded mechanics, would be soooo cool.

  • I would love to see F.E.A.R. with updated graphics. Preferably just a remaster, but if it was remade in the same spirit as the Dead Space remake was, I'd be down for that too, especially if they brought back Fettel's voice actor.

  • I'd love to see Chrono Trigger get the 2D-3D octopath-style remake that a few old SNES games have gotten.

  • I'm not particularly a fan of either re-makes or full remastered but I'm a big fan or, for example, when Xbox upgraded the resolution and FPS or backwards compatible games.

    I would love to see Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes again and have a similar service on Switch for GameCube games.

  • I really wouldn't mind a remake of Left 4 Dead 2 with better netcode and more official maps.

  • X3: Terran Conflict.

    Yes, we got X3FL in 2021 AND X4, but X4 is a very different game and X3FL is just a heavily scripted X3AP (more or less).

    It's a more-than-me years old game with a lot of mods that keep it enjoyable to day – as "enjoyable" as it can be, that janky piece o' junk – but I feel about it the same way I feel about Halo 2: imagine what it could have been, if the devs had the resources they could have today. (if you say "X4" I'm going to fucking flip)

    • Oh shit. I didn't even know about X3FL.

      Gonna have to reinstall X3 now.

      I got X4 because hella X3 fans said it was better than X3; but those people are fucking crazy. X4 sucks major by comparison.

      • When I first played FL I thought it came out with all the others ^

        I don't outright dislike X4, but IMO it feels too... streamlined, in a way. You've got less wares, less ships, less sectors, no jumpdrive (yes I see the reasoning, no I still want the jumpdrive), the Xenon lost their aesthetic just to look like Mass Effect reapers, and fuckers stole my magnificently redundant ship classes. Can't have ship in Detroit.

  • The adventures of buckaroo banzai.

    That movie suffered from poor execution but it is a cult classic and could possibly reach a new generation if it were done correctly.

  • This might be too many, but what I want to see remade, remastered, or given complete editions (although "complete editions" may not be relevant to the post topic; and some titles may not be considered niche but whatever) are Asura's Wrath, Bloodborne, Bujingai, Bully, Dante's Inferno, Dark Sector, Dead Rising 2 (and Off the Record), The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, the F.E.A.R. series, From Dust, God Hand, Grand Theft Auto IV, the first two Gungrave games, Just Cause, killer7, L.A. Noire, the Legend of Spyro trilogy, Like a Dragon Kenzan!, Mary Skelter 2, NieR: Automata, NieR: Replicant, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Ninja Gaiden 3, No More Heroes 2, Prototype, Red Steel 1 and 2, Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman, Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, Spec Ops: The Line, the original Splinter Cell (plus Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory, Double Agent, and Conviction), Stranglehold, Tail Concerto, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2, Watch Dogs 1 and 2, and the original World Ends with You.

    Primarily, the goals would be to either restore cut content or integrate separate DLC into the main package, offer enhanced graphics, take advantage of the 16:9 aspect ratio if originally released during the time of 4:3 screens or on handhelds, or fix bugs or address technical limitations that affected their original console or PC releases, alongside numerous quality-of-life improvements like anti-cheat and DRM removal and extensive performance optimizations. Also, we're still waiting for a PC release for Bloodborne.

    • I do agree with the Splinter Cell series yeah.

      Although I'm confused, why did you include Nier Replicant and Automata? Automata has already a complete version, and Replicant already had a remaster/remake/director's cut version 3 years ago.

      • Because I'm concerned that both their current PC versions still remain buggy messes. I'd wait until the devs provide updates on those to address these issues.

  • I would enjoy a copy of Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance with some spiffed up lighting effects, maybe the mech pack mechs included in the base game, and higher resolution copies of the FMV segments. I have my original copy but I can't get it to run on Linux. Wonder if there's a way to wash a CD game through Steam Play. Lutris...doesn't function as software? It's one of those magnetic "performance enhancing" bracelets, it doesn't do anything but it has convinced a LOT of people it does.

    This may be stretching the premise a little bit but I would like to play the game they thought they were making when they made Ride To Hell: Retribution.