How much do you pay for your phone plan, what do you get in return and in which country?
Slovakia, 300GB for 13 EUR/month, no texts and calls included. Those are 5 cents I think.
The carrier has an agreement with another one for coverage extension, but with official FUP of 20GB in that network.
This carrier however disregards that and instead allows up to 80GB, but for a few months after enabling 4G from that other carrier the FUP wasn't applied at all.
But it's not all sunshine and rainbows.
It operates on that other network like MVNO, and if your phone decides to stick there, which people report happens a lot, say hello to far lower FUP instead. The carrier's own network is also generally far slower.
I also found a little network issue (tested with 2 phones) where receiving calls are broken in a fairly specific scenario, but I don't know how to report that. To keep it short, if VoLTE isn't available, when switching from 2 of the 4G bands to one of the 2G bands, the call fails to connect after several long seconds of silence on caller end, and no notification of failed call attempt is sent.
I can work around both issues by selecting specific bands as needed manually, but that generally requires root and use of app like Network Signal Guru (inconvenient).
This allows me to decide whether I want more data amount, faster network speed, better outgoing call coverage, or higher chance of receiving a call. Yeah... their network sucks.
I also believe they break the EU roam like at home regulation:
Most plans only have half the data amount it seems they should have, but maybe I just calculated that wrong.
But this plan I have has... ZERO data for EU roaming.
2 x (price of mobile bundle excluding VAT / regulated maximum wholesale cap per GB) = data limit (in GB) when roaming
I feel like I'm missing out on something. I'm in Canada, unlimited texts, calls, etc. 225GB for two lines, $300 something/month. I feel like you are all in on some joke that I'm missing.
USA. 4 lines with unlimited calls, text, and data. International calling and roaming throughout US, Canada & Mexico. Metered by the mjnute/megabyte for international (off-continent) travel. All in, $200 monthly.
10€/month 5G "unlimited" (350GB IIRC before throttling). I think texts/SMS are unlimited and calls too but I just don't know as I send like 10 texts per months and make two 5 minute calls.
European roaming(edit: actually it's 110 countries) is I think 35GB 4G for free every month.
It was 20€ with a special 10€/month offer for a year, but when I asked for my RIO code to change they offered it like forever for 10€ so I stayed.
For my spouse and I, two 15€/m, 200GB, unlimited SMS/calls. Without yearly contract.
35/m for fibre Internet, unlimited + a landline (we don't use) + TV (we don't have one) ;)
This reminds me I wanted to look for cheaper alternatives since neither my spouse and I use data much on our phones. I subscribed to those at a time we had a lot of issue with our fibre Internet so we could still work using our phones as hotspots... and I forgot about it :/
UK; £10pm, SIM only, no contract, 20Gb data, unlimited calls/texts, some roaming included, not sure how much. They keep emailing me to say I should move to a £8pm plan because I never use all my data, but that's only 5Gb data and I don't want to run out in an emergency.
Same $15/month, for a Prepaid 12 months plan for ~$180/year
Used to be 2GB of 4G now it's 5GB of 5G.
Technically unlimited throttled slow data, good enough for maps/email after.
If anyone uses my link it should be +$15 referral credit bonus.
Can upgrade at anytime in a cycle, but can't downgrade, or also extra data buckets available.
End shilling
Also Ryan mails me an Xmas card every year ❤️.
They sent me a silly email today actually but hey...whatevs.
Copper is the traditional 7th-anniversary gift. Which makes sense considering 7 years ago you embarked on this wireless journey with us, saving tons of lucky pennies along the way. If you want to take a scroll down memory lane, we’ve compiled this year’s stats in your 7th Year in Review below. Keep being the awesome human you are, and we’ll keep things running in Mint-condition.
I am lucky enough to have never had a cell phone bill to this day. I got my first real job in 2006, and before that, I lived with my parents and just used their flip phone when going out. I will say I was a little late, but for the most part nobody in my generation used cell phones except to actually get in touch with someone and that's it. Once at my job, I was handed a phone and number to use through the company. Since I was in IT, we basically controlled the phones and didn't care if it was used personally. I am still with the same company today, but there have been changes and got scary so now I just purchased an android phone, signed up for Google voice to give myself a free number and use wifi for everything else. When I leave the house I have the company phone turn on Hotspot and my personal connects to it, so it's basically like having everything a provider offers without a bill.
The single issue I have is that some services do not consider Google voice number a legit line so I can't use the number for sign-ups or mfa on like 15% of the accounts I use. Apple, and are 2 off the top of my head.
Sweden, cca 50eur/month. Unlimited 5G with free calls and text, 50gb within EU+ some other countries outside, free data sim (in my home modem), up to 4 extra data sim cards for 1.75eur/month.
UK, £8 a month for 12Gb, unlimited calls and texts, Europe and US roaming included. However, the speed of the roaming just is garbage, completely useless for anything other than text only IMs. If you pay the daily premium, it suddenly improves to useful speed.
Roaming anywhere else is expensive enough to bankrupt a billionaire, something like 50p a Mb, yes Mb not Gb. And that's on top of a daily roaming charge that's mandatory in those regions.
Normally I just pick up a local sim when abroad as the roaming is just garbage.
They're an MVNO that somehow utilizes the Verizon, T Mobile, and AT&T network at the same time.
Physical or ESim card options, but if you go with physical, its mailed to you (free shipping 7-10 days), after ordering entirely online without having to go anywhere or talk to anyone.
Will give you a new number or migrate your old one, whichever you want.
With the physical card, you can pop it in to a different carrier-unlocked phone, input the IMEI to an online activation and you're good to go in 10 minutes.
No costs or restrictions with that, from RedPocket's end.
Best mobile phone plan I can find if you don't care about data caps because you've got home internet and don't do hugely data intensive things away from wifi.
México. I have Telcel. I pay 550 MXN (≈ 27 USD; €25.50; £21.20) and get 16 GB data + unlimited calling/text with free roaming in the United States and Canada. I also get free long distance to national numbers and United States and Canada.
One trick: my plan is technically 8 GB with a 2 × 1 promotion for 2 years. Every two years, all I do is ask them to renew my contract and my 2 × 1 promotion and I get my 16 GB back. I literally get 8 GB of data for the cost of a smile and a "por favor" every two years.
EDITED TO ADD: I get full 5G speeds in both México and in the United States and Canada. I get up to 200 Mbps in both México and the United States. While in the United States, I roam on the T Mobile network, so I'll get whatever the T Mobile network is capable of. I've never been to Canada, so I don't know how well it performs. But it's still part of my plan.
And, if I want native coverage in Latin America, EU, or UK, I can pay 950 MXN (≈ 46.60 USD; €44; £36.60) on demand for 10 GB of data for 30 days. Granted, travel eSIMs are a better deal, but the option is there.
Cheapest I could find in Sweden. Around 10€. I think it is 3GB data and unlimited calls and texts. Whatever data I don't use stacks up for a year or somesuch. I have WiFi at home and the office so I don't really need much data. I would go for a cheaper plan if it existed.
I live in the USA and I use Mint Mobile, I pay $20 a month for 15gb of data a month along with unlimited texts and calls. That was about the cheapest plan I could find for one person while still having a reasonable amount of data. It generally works pretty good although I have noticed sometimes especially if I'm at a busy place it can be a bit slow but that makes sense since they're just using other companies networks. I've also had a lot less issues now that I've set up Wi-Fi texting and calling correctly as I didn't realize I had to enable it in the Mint Mobile app for it to actually work correctly.
USA, Verizon, $125/mo for one cellphone with unlimited data and one tablet with unlimited data. It includes Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu. I also pay monthly for accidental damage protection.
I had to go with an expensive plan because there's no Wifi at my job site and my data kept getting deprioritized on other companies. So I pay a premium to be able to watch YouTube while I work.
US, had Verizon for $170/mo (2 lines) with a lot of extras on an “unlimited” plan they’re actively trying to kick people off of. Switched to Visible (aka different flavored Verizon) on a discount for $35 per line (normally $45) for up to two years, basically the same unlimited phone plan but no extras. The only benefit for the extras was locking in a price on subscription services until Verizon started monthly surcharges to keep up.
Canada, $225.00 for 4 lines and 2 phones
60 gb data
Unlimited Canadian calling/international texting
5 free hours of data when activated via app
The phones are a Pixel 7 and a Moto Razr+
No idea how much it costs since I'm still on parents plan. We supposedly get something like unlimited data, but it slows down after a certain amount used.
Don't know whether the 5G even works on my phone since I can't tell the difference between it and 4G on the other phones I've had in the past.
There's a specific spot in my city I absolutely hate riding by on bus because at this one specific light I swear service just dies until we get passed it (which takes what feels like forever since the bus somehow always hits it at red or just turning red).
Otherwise, no complaints other than the time I had to uninstall corporate spyware (social media/games) that they decided I absolutely needed in my life after an update. I'm thankful that they didn't push them as system apps.
Also thankful that the phone I got came with a sim card slot and they let me transfer my number to a new one because I couldn't retrieve my old one.
I'm on Google Fi in the US. $50/mo for 3 lines with unlimited calling/texting, and $10/GB of data, with charges capping at 12 GB (data isn't limited to 12 GB, they just stop charging you after 12 GB; this threshold depends on the number of lines on the account - more lines results in a higher pricing cap). I'm on wifi 99.99% of the time so it's generally pretty rare that I use more than a single GB across all 3 lines.
I am grandfathered into a Verizon (USA) plan from the time the FCC disallowed caps in exchange for 700MHz spectrum. I used 365GB of data in the first week of this month.
USA, I've been using a $2.50/month plan from Red Pocket, but this thread reminded me that I need to renew for the coming year, and it appears the price has gone up to $3.75/month now. If that's really the case, I'm not exactly pleased about that.
It's just a bare bones plan with 200 minutes, 1000 texts, and 200MB of data. But I'm usually at home on Wi-Fi and I just use a Google voice number so I never really eat into the minutes or texts. I pretty much only use the data for emergencies like if I'm out driving somewhere and I wasn't able to plan and look up maps ahead of time.
US Mint Mobile $30/mo unlimited data, texts, calls. One of the best unlimited rates in the US. I use north of 12GB/mo so no limited plan is going to cut it for me.
US $20/mo with mint mobile 15gb data cap. Unlimited talk/txt. Sometimes I get 200mbps but it's usually like 20mbps. I don't think I've gone over 10gb. I work from home and usually use fiber Internet there - $60/mo for 300mbps up/down
Just upgraded my plan to 18.90CHF (21.45usd) for unlimited 5G (1700mbps), calls and text in Switzerland and 20GB, 100 minutes and texts in EU and UK.
I haven't switched my number yet so I'll have to see what coverage is like, but it will likely be very good cause switzerland.
Had to bring my own phone, which is in bad shape and I’ll have to replace eventually, but I basically don’t think about my service at all.
That MVNO also has a program to heavily discount service for up to three months due to loss of job or temp disability, because, yknow, you need a phone number to look for a job.
That discount was damn nice when I had a couple of surgeries this year.
5€/month for unlimited voice, text, net (romania) - I don't use this, since i moved away, but i've had this number since '99...
35€/month for 25gb net, unlimited voice, text (germany) - it's a bit more expensive since it includes a phone as well (i got the pixel 8 when it came out).
15-20€/month for 5-15gb and unlimited voice/text for my kids, also with phones (pixel 6a)
45€/month for home Internet - 1000 down / 200 up (cable), unlimited + landline (which is not connected/in use.
American here, we're on an AT&T family plan at $50 USD/month for each line. Yeah, it's expensive, but you get a lot for that price; unlimited talk, unlimited texts, and unlimited data (with no throttling); there's no roaming anywhere in Mexico, Canada, or the United States and no charges for calling international between those three countries (and I think that might also include the Bahamas, but I could be mistaken). We also get a 60 GB hotspot per line per month, but that part might be inside the US only, I've never used it during trips to Mexico or Canada.
Three lines unlimited data calling and text included 70$/month. The business I opened my phone plan with has a policy of never raising rates ever. Ive been on the same plan close to a decade. It would be double if I opened a account today.
USA - AT&T Prepaid. $40 per month. Unlimited talk and text in/to the US, Mexico and Canada. “Unlimited” data BUT after 15GB 5G data, speed is reduced to 3G(?) speeds so email, messaging and other apps using light data still work OK but browsing is verrrrry slow - forget about streaming at that point (it also includes roll-over of unused data from previous month). I don’t usually go over the 15GB though due to wi-fi available most places I am usually at.
Czechia, unlimited calls, texts and data. Data speed capped at 10mbit/s (1.25 MB) for 500 CZK/month (~20€).
Unlimited data speed is about twice the price. Vodafone
Between $25-$30/month. It's technically a dollar per gig of data up to 10gb, but I don't leave the house often so I use only a couple dollars worth. Also unlimited text and talk. In the US.
UK; £10pm, SIM only, no contract, 20Gb data, unlimited calls/texts, some roaming included, not sure how much. They keep emailing me to say I should move to a £8pm plan because I never use all my data, but that's only 5Gb data and I don't want to run out in an emergency.
$180/mo for 5 lines of unlimited talk, text, and data, + free international calling. When I travel to other countries it's another $50/mo for international roaming in supported countries. Works in Mexico, Costa Rica, England, the Netherlands, Canada, and Germany, so far.