When you die, what do you want to be done with you?
When you die, what do you want to be done with you?
I'd like to become a tree.
When you die, what do you want to be done with you?
I'd like to become a tree.
Strip me for parts and give the rest to science. I'm not real sentimental about my body once I'm done with it.
Yeh. This.
We did this for my dad, and my mom will follow the same path, I think.
Some burocracy (and educating burocrats, as the law allowing for this in my country 🇦🇷 is recent) but it's worth to do something useful of oneself after death while not enriching the post-mortem mafia.
Of course both my brother and I want the same for ourselves.
This and compost the rest. Now available in WA!
Same + cremate anything that can be used and spread it somewhere insignificant
Scatter my remains across Disney World, although I don't want to be cremated.
How about dehydrated like jerky?
"This is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy!"
I don't thing corpse borne explosive device(CBEDs) are a legal form of burial, but I am not one to stand in the way of someone's dreams so long as nobody is physically harmed.
I don't thing corpse borne explosive device(CBEDs) are a legal form of burial, but I am not one to stand in the way of someone's dreams so long as nobody is physically harmed.
install doom on me
What are your specs?
I found a service that will mix your ashes in concrete and make you into an artificial reef. I like the idea of getting coral and sea fans to grow on me.
Now that's an idea...
If I had my way about it, I'd have a tree planted over me, but I don't expect to know the difference, so I don't really think about it much.
Yeah, pick the usable parts, toss the rest into the woods.
Cremate me and grind my ashes into small particles.
Then take those ashes and mix them into dark spices like pepper as a filler. Sell it to the general population.
I will be vored. I will be inside you. I will become part of you. You cannot stop this.
This is like the ass pennies
Start eating paprika. Like, lots of paprika.
viking style. I want to be pushed out to sea on a magnificent hand-crafted canoe. Then someone is going to shoot a flaming arrow into my canoe and I'll go out in a blaze of glory. No one said you can't request this and I think it would be pretty sweet. Needs instrumental accompaniment.
Just be sure you give someone a heads up so that they can practice their archery enough to actually set you on fire
Adagio For Strings. The proper version, not the dance track.
Gotta launch the arrows at the climax, too, for maximum effect.
Scoripon in Cyberpunk 2077 had a very similar idea.
I tell my wife that I want to be cremated and then have a ceremony to dump my ashes in the bin. I find the idea hilarious.
Make me and my partner a tree, set up a hammock between us, and hang with us from time to time
Flay my skin, stretch and tan it into a hammock, hang it between these two people and then lay in it and smoke a joint
Know what? If it makes someone else happy then go for it. Hand me to some necrophiliacs while you're at it, I will literally not care.
The more the merrier!
Donate my body to science if possible, failing that, dispose of me in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
Once I am dead I have no care for my body, maximize the use of it or minimize the impact of it.
Forgot about the donation angle! I'm signed up for organ donation, need to get that more clear in my will, but whole-body donation would be great.
Worst case, med students can have a go, see how bones heal, stuff like that.
I don’t personally care. Burials and other ceremonies are for the living. I’d prefer something that doesn’t harm our environment and to donate as many organs as possible, but that’s pretty much it.
I like what you said about being a tree. I may steal that.
I don’t have kids. I plan to leave my assets to a charity. Probably something for animals but I haven’t really planned that far ahead yet.
Right on.
I don't give a fuck, I'll be dead.
People think anything matters after they die, like anything in the future at all, but there is no future... You skip right to the end of time. Nothing happens to your body at all.
Literally just throw me in a ditch idgaf as long as my body is allowed to naturally decay and recycle the energy back into the ecosystem.
Stop locking bodies in boxes that take decades to decay.
Reminder to leave instructions for your loved ones, regardless of your age or health. One of the hardest decisions your family will go through is trying to guess what you'd want.
Whatever is cheapest/easiest for my family.
Bury me "buns-up" in a sidewalk downtown so someone has a place to park their bicycle.
Now that is an idea I've not yet heard.
Not my problem... Whatever my SO/surviving descendants want is good by me.
We're gonna make you into a real horse chandelier then.
Excellent! Can't wait to find out what one looks like....
No.... Wait.... :)
I don't really care, not planning on dying within the next few decades. Maybe by then, we'll already be in space, and whoever has to make that decision can just push my body out of the air lock.
I had planned on (organ donation first of course, but then) cremation, mostly to make my leftover remains easier and cheaper to deal with. Lately I've heard about rapid-composting, which is supposed to be more environmental. So that might be good. But it might be more expensive, in which case back to the plan.
Rapid composting, like, turn you into soil?
An example:
(I looked up "human composting" and Google knows I live in California, ymmv)
Edit: by "rapid" I mean faster than dumping you in the woods, it says 45 days.
Prop me up beside the jukebox.
church organ donation.
I'm an organ donor, but I suspect my organs won't be worth much by the time I'm done with them.
Trebuchet my bloated corpse into Dick Cheney's living room
There’s still some active tar pits. I’m surprised nobody is intentionally trying to become a fossil. It would be cool to do some weird shit to mess with the aliens who find your fossil in 10,000 years or so.
Resurrected or uploaded.
If it is possible for the mind to survive the death of the body, I also think uploading would be fine. It's a risk to be sure, but not having a body would actually address a lot of my current disappointments.
If resurrection is possible, I'd like to think the death could be prevented. But, I'll take it if uploading is not available and death of the body is still inevitable.
Makes me wonder what the experience would be like for the mind being uploaded. Do you feel like you have a body? Can you change what that body is? And before you do anything fun with that new hot body, you should know that anywhere you can go is still in a simulation, so you can be tracked and observed at all times.
Speaking of that, can you adapt to the concept of "being somewhere" becoming meaningless?
Feed me to the mushrooms.
I'd like my corpse to be used to frame someone for murder. Obviously I can't name names, because that would undermine the plot, but I trust my loved ones to frame up someone who has it coming.
Fuck it, I wanna be cryogenically frozen, if I can have the chance of living hundreds of years in the future, no matter how slim, I'd rather be prepared.
Having recently watched Andor, I think I'd like to be made into a brick and used as a weapon against fascists.
Well boy are you alive at the right time!
Sure am!
I told my kids to claim my skull for the mantle and compost the rest
Eat me, bang me, fill me up with cream. Who gives a shit?
I would like someone to rent a tree spade, one if those trucks that can pick up a mature tree with its root ball, pick up a nice tree, wrap me in linen, throw me in the hole, and drop the tree back into the hole on top of me.
The bog.
That's honestly pretty bog-standard. That's a term I learned on here a few days ago.
Just throw my body in the trash. And no religious burial. I'll be damned if some pastor who doesn't know shit about me give an hour long eulogy about Jesus over my corpse.
The pastor I hired to deliver the sermon at my dad's funeral literally implied that my dad was not "up above" but "down below". I think it's because we asked him to keep it non-religious and he was being petty.
Just throw me in the trash
Can’t believe this was at the bottom
Give my body to a cabal of necrophiliacs so I can continue to be fucked in death as I was in life.
Medical school.
this, take whatever organs you find useful. leave the rest to decay in the wilderness somewhere
Shoot me out of a cannon
I've organised to have my body donated to a medical school for dissection. It was quite complicated, lots of forms to be filled in and witnessed. My executor has to phone the university when I die & they send a van to collect me. They won't accept my body if I've died of something communicable, or it was eg some accident that left me too mangled. When they're done with me I'll be cremated and my name goes up on a plaque in a special garden.
I would like to remain dead
The way things are going, I fully expect to be turned into Soylent Green
Something cheap for my family.
Sky Burial!!!
I want my nutrients returned to the earth.
That means that green burial, human composting, burial at sea, and aquamation are all options.
I absolutely do not want cremation. It’s an energy intensive process that also renders the deceased’s accumulated nutrients unavailable to other organisms.
This thread also reminds me that I need to revoke the organ donor status from my driver’s license. As much as I like / appreciate the concept, a viable organ donation requires dying in a hospital. I would prefer to pass outdoors in a natural setting that I feel connected to or, at worst, in my own home.
Could you leave the organ donor status just in case you die in a hospital?
I don't give a fuck because I'm dead and won't be there to see it.
Do whatever you want with my corpse.
I think just cremation. Get rid of this body suit. :)
I'm excited for what's next.
Do you know Jesus
I want my body donated to a body farm.
If you want to be a tree, go cremation. Trees get their carbon from the air not the soil.
Thats just carbon though. Surely the nutrients in the ground are equally important.
Sky burial seems pretty cool: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_burial
Become dogfood
You got something against dogs?