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  • Color me surprised that the Democrats have as much blame for our current situation as the Republicans. Nobody, NOBODY, wanted to return to normal; they wanted real change and the best they got was state-sponsored financing for tech companies and unequal economic policies

  • Like they were ever going to.

    If she was going to do something different to what the party wants, she'd never have been their nominee to start with.

  • Honestly, I kinda don't buy the idea Biden controlled Harris. Biden could have in 2008, but not in 2024. We all saw his term. He could be great, but when he slowed and floundered, it hampered his goals.

    I'm torn between:

    "I don't think an adult woman would instantly bind herself to an old man, she can have bad ideas on her own."

    "I don't think she had everything planned out, she took advice from those around her, and the advice was shit but it's hard to get anything from outside this POV without getting even worse feedback."

    But either way, I'm kind of glad that parts of the DNC is admitting fault after royally fucking up a second time and giving us Trump again. But I was also told they learned mistakes from 2016, and clearly they didn't, and must have fired everyone who did.

    I wish Harris won merely as a stop-gap who is younger and more coherent, maybe could have gotten someone better next primary. Would have been messy and I would prefer anyone else, but not as bad. But it wouldn't have stopped the fascist uprising we're having, just keeping the cyst growing until it popped. If Biden didn't get Trump arrested, I doubt Harris would have, despite her history.

  • This is hilarious, because of Biden's "I'd have won if I was the candidate" bullshit. More like "Harris might have won if I wasn't hamstringing her", but okay, sure, Joe. Let's get you to bed, now.

  • Harris was the candidate, not Biden. Being his VP should have been a boon to her, but instead she turned it into her own biggest obstacle. It was ultimately her decision to follow Biden’s directions on this.

    It’s not like the sitting president can order a party’s candidate to take certain policy positions, even if that candidate is the sitting VP. Biden deserves a ton of the blame for our current situation, but Harris was the candidate and she decided to follow Biden’s terrible advice. He’s just the stubborn geriatric who cared more about his legacy than the peoples’ future.

  • Yikes! This is a shit argument IMO. Biden wouldn't have broken from her if she stood strong on her own stances. This is a terrible look for her. More feckless establishment Dems acting like the controlled opposition they are.

    I won't be voting for people like this in the future. I know many others that think like me too. That's going to be a huge problem for the Dem establishment. They're pushing progressive folks out and replacing them with no one.

  • So if Biden had allowed Kamala Harris to have her own narrative, would she have won the presidency?

  • I doubt this. Harris had some controversial policy issues such as taxing uncapitalized gains which were breaks with the Biden administration.

  • A vice president isn't going to publicly break with the sitting president

    Been saying this before the election. These comments are wild.

    • A vice president isn’t going to publicly break with the sitting president

      The pro-genocide centrists who made this excuse were silent when she moved to his right.

    • Why not?

      I mean, I know she wouldn't. But seriously, think about it, why not? People wanted her to, so why not? People don't want milquetoast policy changes that improve such and such by 2%, they want a hero, so why not? People don't want palestinians to die, so why not?

      She was either: an awful candidate because she wouldn't promise anything, or, an awful candidate because she couldn't promise anything.

      And yeah, I wanted her to win, but the problems that fucked the last election up still plague the party. If they don't learn, we're all going straight to Trump's gulag.

      • Every answer they have for "Why not?" will be "the status quo that is completely made up by the politcal establishment and lobbyists say so."

        Biden was unpopular, him dropping out and apointing Harris was a massive spike in the polls. I was personally excited for the shake up. Mad at the fact it was after the primaries so we didn't have time to democratically pick someone for the democrat party when democracy is at stake, but she was a new face, with probably new ideas.

        It took her a while to get a policy on her website. Weeks, even. While Project 2025 had been workshopped for god knows how long and then made part of Trump's promises since day one of his run. And she just said "I stand with him on everything. Every issue, I agree with." And some small changes like "I will give $100K to new homeowners" like that meant something for the majority of people who can never ever own a home in America.

        And then Tim Waltz was picked. Progressive, had a good run as governor. Not perfect from his treatment of BLM protestors, but overall a solid pick. Waltz got the Republicans bothered with the weird comments. It worked. And then they just... stopped using the one trick that worked.

        And then instead of going for their usual base of working class folks, the minorities who have voted for him because the other side is "We Will Deport and Kill All Of You", they went "Let's try to win the unicorn voters of disenfranchised Republicans who will vote for a Democrat!" The fucking Chaneys, the family who organized the largest, longest, deadliest, costliest wars America has had in the 21st century were chosen as sane and reasonable people.

        Harris said "We'll have the most powerful military if I'm elected! I will not underfund it! I will have strong border polices on the Mexican border! I will follow the law of red states on the polices of trans students!" Just copying republican talking points like it was a shoe-in.

        All it did was alienate the voter base of the people who vote Democrat because they aren't Republican, and the brainwashed Trump supporters would never vote for a Democrat simply because of nearly 30 years of brainwashing by Fox News, Glen Beck, and Rush Limbaugh, followed by Tim Pool, Charlie Kirk, Joe Rogan, and whatever conservative of the year has a podcast/youtube show.

        And we were called crazy and insane for noticing any of this. Comments removed on Reddit and Lemmy. Called Russian bots on Twitter and Mastodon. Called single issue voters who hate the idea of compromise. And we were right! And they still laugh at us for being right, thinking that because Trump sucks, it means we were wrong for pointing out the flaws of a bad canidate.

    • It's because of the frustration surrounding the elections, and it will take a while for everything to calm down, although Kamala could run for president again if she doesn't opt ​​for the California governorship.